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1995 - the twins have gone feral

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1995 - the twins have gone feral

In Grimmauld Place, Roxanne, Fred II, their father and his twin were currently in the Living Room, laughing about the firework stunt that they pulled off at Hogwarts. "Your idea about the dragon, Uncle Fred, was absolutely genius!" Fred II laughed. Roxanne nodded while eating a pack of Doritos.

"Did you see Umbridge's face? She was absolutely livid!" Roxanne laughed.

"The top of her head was smoking!" George bellowed with laughter.

Fred sniggered, "The sound of those regulation portraits, smashing, were music to my ears." The others laughed at his joke but that soon came to an abrupt end when Mundungus Fletcher scurried passed their door. His hands looked they were holding something to his chest.

"What is that midget stealing now?" Roxanne rolled her eyes. George stood up suddenly, walking behind the man, the rest following after him. "Hey, Fletcher? What are you taking with you this time?" Fred asked as the three boys ganged up on him. Roxanne just resorted into eating a bucket of popcorn.

"Uh... it's nothing-" Fletcher tries to argue but Fred has already snatched a silver gauntlet from out of his hands. "Oh really? Then explain this," Fred threw the gauntlet up and then caught it again.

Fletcher gulped, looking fairly uneasy. "How about we strike a deal?" Fred II asked. The dark, young boy peered out of the window, "I dare you to touch that beehive. If you do as I say, then we won't tell the rest of the Order."

Fletcher gulped, looking at the beehive which was swarmed with wasps. "Unless you're too scared, that is? Then we'd have no choice but to snitch on you..." Fred II pressured him.

"O-Oh, that beehive? That's nothing against me!" Fletcher exclaimed, his voice an octave higher than normal. The short man opened the back door and approached the tree with the beehive.

"He says one thing, and his face says another," George snorted.

"I'm in his will, right? Do I get anything if he dies?" Roxanne asked Fred.

"How could you ask such a thing!" Fred gasped at his niece. "Ask him, not me!" Completely ignoring the fact that Roxanne just hinted the man's death.

"Hey! Fletcher! Am I in your will?!" Roxanne yelled.

"Uh, you can get my flat and sofa!" Fletcher panicked as he cautiously approached the beehive.

"Jackpot," Roxanne muttered as she finished her pack of Doritos, satisfied.

Fletcher touched the beehive and immediately, the wasps had detected him as some sort of enemy. They suddenly swarmed him, stinging him as he screamed. The short man ran around the back area, trying to escape the army of wasps. He ran for the back door, but George locked it before he could get in.

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