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"The thestrals are here!" Luna pointed at a group of scaly creatures

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"The thestrals are here!" Luna pointed at a group of scaly creatures.

"I don't understand, I don't see anything?" Louis said, edging forward.

"I see it. They're brown and dark. Their wings look so... bony," Scorpius described to them, caressing its body.

"Thestrals are interesting creatures. Only those who have seen death and can fully comprehend it have the ability to see them," Rose explained.

"I've seen my mother die. She was one for experiments, but one of her spells went terribly wrong," Luna explained.

"I'm sorry, Luna," Neville apologised but Luna only shrugged in return.

"And I saw Cedric die in the graveyard," Harry gulped, stroking the thestrals. Ginny held his hand reassuringly, smiling sadly at Harry. The boy-who-lived turned his head to look at her, beaming at her sadly.

Molly II looked at Scorpius, "How do you see them? Did you see anyone die?"

Scorpius sighed, "In the Malfoy Garden, there were many peacocks. My favourite, Celeste, had passed away in my arms."

Draco gasped, "Not Celeste..."

"Don't tell me, Celeste was your favourite too?" Albus II asked. Draco nodded sadly, kicking the rock underneath his feet.

"Come on, we don't have all day!" Hermione and Ron sat on a thestral with the help of Harry. Luna helped Astoria and Draco on one thestral. Luna and Neville climbed onto one - Neville felt quite frightened at first but he soon got the hang of it.

"Is there one here?" Louis asked. Scorpius nodded and the blond boy and Dominique climbed into it. Molly II and Rose climbed their own one, and Scorpius and Albus II shared one.

"Steady there. I got you," Scorpius held Albus' II waist. Albus II looked down at the ground and gulped, it was no secret that he hated heights. "Just don't look down, I'm holding you," Scorpius hugged his back. Lucy got on her own thestral without any problems (which was quite surprising since she was a very problematic Hufflepuff).

Harry helped Ginny up and climbed into its back so he was in front. "Hold onto me, okay?" Harry looked back. Ginny places her red hair behind her ear and looked at Harry, "Okay!" Harry smiled and looked at the front.

The thestrals all flew into the sky and zoomed across the land. Molly II and Dominique looked down at the ground and yelled in joy, they were flying! Albus II scrunched his eyes and leaned back into Scorpius, who held him tightly.

"Bloody hell, this is amazing!" Ron laughed loudly and Hermione giggled into his shoulder. Ginny held onto Harry for her dear life, and Harry couldn't help but laugh.

"We're gonna die!" Draco yelled.

"Haven't you ridden a broom before?!" Astoria yelled back.

"Yeah- BUT NOT LIKE THIS!" Draco screamed.

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