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Harry and his friends walked through the Department of Mysteries and made it in a vast, open area

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Harry and his friends walked through the Department of Mysteries and made it in a vast, open area. There was a huge arch of stone which had cloudy fog within it. Harry and Luna could hear the whispers from within the arch.

"Do you hear that?" Harry asked, edging towards the arch.

"No? There's nothing," Rose said in confusion.

"Wait... I hear it too..." Luna replied, edging towards the stone arch. Louis gave the orb to his older sister, Dominique and they all edged towards it.

"Get behind me!" Molly II pointed her wand up as the Death Eaters swarmed the group of teenagers with dark clouds. They were startled, trying to look through the clouded mass but it was too opaque to see anything through it. Dominique has somehow passed the orb back to Harry as she was snatched by one of the Death Eaters.

One by one, each teenager got taken away by a Death Eater as Harry cowered on the floor, his grip on the orb tightening. When the swarming stopped, the boy-who-lived looked up slowly, then got up suddenly when he saw Ginny being held hostage with a wand to her head.

He observed the room, each teenager was held hostage with a wand either to their head or to their throat. They all struggled against the hold of the Death Eaters. Harry turned to Lucius, who chuckled darkly. "Were you really naive enough to think that you stood a chance, against us?" Lucius walked past Harry.

The Senior Malfoy then turned back to Harry with an outstretched hand, "I'll make this... simple for you, Potter." Lucy was really thinking about jumping onto Lucius and tearing his barbie-doll wig off of his scalp.

"Give me the prophecy now, or watch your friends... die," Lucius stayed.

"NOT SO FAST!" Albus II yelled, dragging his boyfriend behind him as the four of them stumbled into the room. Astoria held Draco by his blond hair, aiming her wand right at his head. Lucius panicked and the Death Eaters were absolutely bewildered.

"Leave us alone or I'll explode your son's head!" Astoria yelled. She aimed her wand at a rock and cast a Reducto onto it, making it explode. She then placed the wand back onto Draco's head.

"ASTORIA! We literally kissed a few chapters ago!" Draco whined as Astoria gripped onto his hair roughly.

"And your time-travelling grandson goes down with him!" Albus II yelled, pulling Scorpius by the hair and aiming a wand at him. Lucius blinked, terrified for his son and grandson's life.

"I'm your BOYFRIEND, Al!" Scorpius struggles against Albus' II grip.

"Wait, why don't we strike a deal-?" Lucius tried to calm Astoria and Albus II down.

"THE DEAL HAS BEEN STRICKEN, DAD. DO YOU WANT MY HEAD TO BE EXPLODED INTO ITTY-BITTY BITS?!" Draco screeched at the top of his voice, making Lucius flinch.

"Okay, Draco! I'll agree-"

"Whoops," Harry accidentally dropped the prophecy onto the floor, smashing it into tiny pieces. Lucius looked mortified as Astoria and Albus II let go of the traumatised Malfoys.

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