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1975 - The Marauders still be irritating-

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1975 - The Marauders still be irritating-

"Did you know that-?"

"Lily, if you utter another word out of your mouth, I will literally combust," Tobias snapped. Lily II decided not to speak another word in fear that Tobias would actually combust.

"What the hell is wrong with them two? They avoid each other as if their lives depend on it!" Tobias growled in frustration. It was true, Severus and Lily were pretty much avoiding each other at all costs. It drove Tobias mad.

"Hey, Severus? I need-" Barty Crouch Jr. approached them.

"I AM NOT SEVERUS!" Tobias screamed, scaring the Ravenclaw boy and the other students surrounding them.

"Damn, who pissed in his cheerios this morning?" Tom II whispered to Lily II, who simply shrugged.

"Oh, right... sorry!" Barty whimpered in fear, quickly moving away. The poor Ravenclaw was too afraid to even interact with the boy again. Tobias grabbed Lily II and Tom II by their hands and the three walked over to Lily Evans.

"Knock, knock," Tobias stated.

"Who's there?" Lily asked, a little confused. Tom II and Lily II watched from behind Tobias.

"The door," Tobias shoved Lily away before the large door could even slam into her.

"Woah, thanks! But did you know that the door was going to-?" Lily asked.

"I have my ways," Tobias cut her off. "Now, I need you to do something for me since I just saved your goddamn life," Tobias smirked, crossing his arms. The resemblance of Severus in Tobias almost caught Lily off-guard.

"And what is that?" Lily questioned him, she too crossed her arms over her chest and stared at him inquisitively. Lily II and Tom II looked at each other, momentarily, then back at the other pair. "What type of drama are we watching?" Tom II whispered to Lily II.

"I have no idea," she replied in a whisper.

"What on earth is going on between you and my father?" Tobias asked as the four of them walked down the corridor.

"We had a little fight..." Lily muttered.

Tobias raised a brow, "Surely there has to be more to the little fight because you two avoid each other as if your lives depend on it!" Tobias finished.

Lily bit her lip," "He called me a Mudblood..."

"That's it?" Tobias stopped dead in his tracks. Lily huffed.

"Don't tell me you're also part of those insensitive Slytherin group, thinking they can throw slurs everywhere-!" Lily argued. Tobias shook his head.

"It just doesn't make sense to me... how you end a five-year-long friendship over one word. Isn't he the one to show and teach you about the magical world?" Tobias raised a brow.

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