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"Ugh! When will I be able to retire from this bullshit?" Tobias groaned, slamming his head on the table

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"Ugh! When will I be able to retire from this bullshit?" Tobias groaned, slamming his head on the table.

"Tobias, you haven't even reached your twenties?" Blaise replied.

"Stop being homophobic, Zabini," Tobias snapped. Blaise raised a brow and then looked away from the grumpy boy. "I'm so shocked by the way how James hasn't annoyed me yet. Like, you can see the shock on my face," Tobias pointed at his face, which had no trace of shock on it whatsoever.

"That's because the Potter dude is severely blind," Pansy pointed out as James II blindly walked into the Great Hall, bumping into five people on the way to his seat. Meanwhile, at the Ravenclaw table, Rose was trying to read her book in peace, but the people at the table were way too loud, "If you all don't shut up, I'll spank you."

"That was hot, I felt my dick go through the circle of life," Regulus II muttered. Rose looked back at him, "What?"


"Why don't you wear your tie, Fred?" Roxanne asked, munching on some popcorn. Fred II shrugged, turning away from his sister to have a conversation with his uncle (the actual Fred lmao). "Oh my, can I choke you with my tie?" Lily II asked Tom II. He stared at her weirdly.

"I'd love to choke Scorpius with my tie because that's what bros do!" Albus II high-fived his best friend while Draco awkwardly sipped his tea in concern.

"Can I choke myself with my own tie?" Tobias asked. George turned to look at the Slytherin, "Is this meant to be some sort of kink?"

"Not sexually," Tobias shook his head, "I meant fatally."

"Well, go off, I guess?" Molly II said. Suddenly, Lucy looked up from her magazine and stared straight at Hugo, "Have you had your medicine, Hugo?" Every future kid stopped dead and froze all turning to Hugo. Hugo sniffled, a sneeze was coming.

"EVERYONE EVACUATE!" Albus II yelled as Hugo was about to sneeze. Everyone in the hall ran in different directions; Umbridge, who had just woken up from her nap, walked into the hall only to be crushed under a stampede of panicking students. Hugo sneezed, causing the greatest explosion in all of England-

Sike, I'm just kidding.

Hugo sneezed, making many of the cup and plates fall off of the tables. He sneezed again, teleporting to another location. "Where'd he go?!" Hermione asked.

"We don't know! Every time he sneezes, he teleports to another spot!" Rose yelled back and Hugo appeared right behind James II. James II (who was still very much blind and confused) accidentally touched Hugo and they were both teleported somewhere else.

In the Malfoy Mansion, where Voldemort and the Death Eaters were discussing their plan around the long table, both Hugo and James II teleported right on top of the long table. The Death Eaters stared in confusion, there was a replica of Ron Weasley and a replica of James Potter on the table.

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