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After the obliviate spell was cast, Lucius, Tom II and Lily II used their time-turner to get transported back to their timeline

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After the obliviate spell was cast, Lucius, Tom II and Lily II used their time-turner to get transported back to their timeline. "Are we at Hogwarts?" Lily II asked the old man. Lucius nodded, walking down a corridor of the school and taking a right.

"Lily...?" Harry squinted his eyes as he watched the three figures near him. His crappy eye-sight did not do him any justice.

"Anyways, I have a really cool question. Would you rather, kill Louis-?" Lucy was about to ask.

"Kill Louis," Molly II said almost immediately.

"But I didn't even finish the question?" Lucy was a little confused.

Louis laughed and Delphi's camera panned over to him, "I feel a little unsafe in this household."

"For real, they look like Lily, Tom and... Oh my fucking God..." Rose watched as the three figures edged closer.

"Why don't you fuck me instead?" Regulus muttered. Rose turned around to look at him, "What?"


"Grandfather? Is that you?" Scorpius asked as Lily II and Tom II joined them.

"I kept this little time-turner many years ago, and I thought that this was the right time to use it," Lucius handed the time-turner to Headmistress McGonagall, who took it cautiously.

"Thank you, Mr Malfoy," Harry thanked him, shaking the older man's hand.

"No worries, I will be off now. My wife may be looking for me," Lucius said. With that, the senior Malfoy apparated out of Hogwarts.

After a moment of silence, footsteps could be heard from the Great Hall. "Do you all hear that?" George asked, taking his wand out in front of him. The other followed suit, slowly walking towards the closed doors of the Great Hall, wondering what the source of the sound was.

"It sounds like... chattering?" Draco said as he slowly opened the door with his wand. As the doors opened, the adults pointed their wands straight into the Great Hall with the rest of the children behind them.

"I'd rather you not point your wand at us, Potter," Severus muttered. Harry lowered his wand, astonished as he saw the former Headmaster. He looked much older from the day he died as if he had risen from his grave and aged accordingly to the present.

"Professor Snape... How...?" Harry stumbled upon his words as the rest of them lowered their wands.

"Fred?" George walked closer to his twin brother. He looked just like him, he even looked as old as George. "Hey, George," Fred hugged his brother tightly. Ron ran across the hall to hug his brother, followed by Percy, Bill and Ginny.

"My baby boy!" Molly and Arthur ran to hug their late son, who had now risen from the dead.

"Mum? Dad?" Delphi dropped her camera as she approached Bellatrix and Rodolphus. They didn't look as daunting as before and their smiles were huge. She slowly hugged her once-deceased parents. "We've missed you, Delphi," Bellatrix kissed her head and Delphi's eyes teared up.

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