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1942 - There's a lot of Toms in this chapter

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1942 - There's a lot of Toms in this chapter

"My Lord will be here any second," the maid bowed to the guests and seated them in a large room inside the manor. Lily II and Tom II shuffled awkwardly in their seats as they waited for Tom Sr to arrive.

"Good afternoon. You both called me-" Tom Sr was about to introduce himself when he stopped to look at Tom II, the carbon-copy of himself; Tom Sr looked a bit older than him. Lily II looked from both of them and quickly made a move.

"Sir, you don't understand. We're from the future and he's your grandson-" Lily II tried to explain.

"Nonsense! I want the two of you out of my house!" Tom Sr stood up and pointed at the front door.

"Please, sir!" Lily II pleaded.

"I just want my grandfather!" Tom II yelled. Tom Sr stopped, looking at the young teenage boy. The Hufflepuff boy had tears in his eyes and he stared straight at his grandfather. "Please..." Tom II started to cry, "If you don't listen to us, you'll die. I don't want you to die!"

Tom Sr blinked, sighing heavily. "Do you know what the two most painful words are?" Tom II asked his grandfather.

"Melted ice-cream?" Lily II asked. Tom II stared at her in confusion. "Ya know... how the ice cream melts and you have no time to savour it all so you have to eat it in one go, and then you have a brain freeze?" Lily II explained.

"No..." Tom II shook his head and turned to stare at his grandfather, "What if. That's painful. What if I had a grandfather? What if I actually had a living relative to save me from that orphanage?"

"I'm sorry-" Tom Sr said.

"Don't be. Right now, your son is at Wool's Orphanage and he's 16-years-old," Lily II explained.

"And from my experiences of living in that same orphanage, I'm pretty sure he hates it there," Tom II laughed.

"So... you're telling me to adopt him? Right?" Tom Sr questioned. Lily II and Tom II glanced at each other and then back at the older man.

"Pretty much, yes."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Tom Sr, Lily II and Tom II walked into the Orphanage's main reception. "How can I help you?" The receptionist at the front asked. She then stared at Tom II weirdly, "Tom, what are you doing here?" 

"Sorry, I'm not Tom. I'm a close relative of his. Actually, I was wondering if we could go visit Tom Marvolo Riddle," Tom II explained. The receptionist stood up and nodded cautiously, walking them towards the specific room. Tom Sr, however, took a seat at the reception area.

"Uh, may I help you, sir?" another receptionist asked.

Tom Sr nodded, "Yes, I was wondering if you can pass me some adoption papers?"

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