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1995 - Fred II feels miserable af

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1995 - Fred II feels miserable af

"I have never seen him so miserable in my life..." Rose muttered, watching as Fred II poked the steak on his plate with his fork.

"I know, right? I even remember swapping all the green M&Ms in his pack with peas, and then I added toothpaste in his Oreos. But he still looks more miserable than when he ate those snacks," Roxanne said, munching on a carrot.

Louis looked at her weirdly, "You did what?"

"That's out of the question, we need a way to raise my brother's spirits!" Roxanne concludes, feeling a little determined. Fred II didn't hear them, he was too busy staring miserably at the steak and slumping in his seat.

"I got this," Dominique flipped her hair, strutting towards the miserable boy. She sat down in front of him, grabbing his attention. "Listen, Fred. Don't let anyone tell you that you're ugly," Dominique told him.

Fred II looked up with a smile, "Wow, Dominique... I don't what to say-"

"I mean you are ugly, but don't let anyone tell you that," the blonde girl strutted away, leaving Fred II gloomier than ever. Lucy face-palmed herself as Dominique joined them at their table.

"Thank Dominique, you just made him feel more upset!" Molly II rolled her eyes. All four girls looked at Fred II in sympathy.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Scorpius and Albus II cuddled with each other next to the fireplace in the Slytherin common room. Don't worry, it was just a very bro thing to do. "So... what does this make us?" Scorpius asked suddenly.

Albus II turned his head slightly to look up at him, "Uh, British?"

Scorpius snorted, "No, for real! People think we're a couple?" He asked in a confused voice as if half of the things that they were already doing wasn't much of a couple-thing to do.

"Really? We're just bros doing bro stuff?" Albus II shrugged, leaning his head onto Scorpius' shoulder.

Scorpius bit his lip, "Albus, if I got a girlfriend or a boyfriend, how would you feel?"

Albus II looked up, "That's completely absurd! You can't just get into a relationship and leave me-!"

"See? We're both deeply in love with each other, yet we had no idea!" Scorpius sighed.

"Finally! It was so hard for me not to scream it at you!" Draco yelled in frustration, scaring the pair.

"Dad? You were here the whole time?!" Scorpius was a little startled.

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