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It was morning at Hogwarts and the children were highly tense when it came to eating their breakfast

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It was morning at Hogwarts and the children were highly tense when it came to eating their breakfast. "Hugo! Make sure to drink enough water, you have a long journey ahead of you," Hermione passed Hugo a cup of water and Hugo blushed in embarrassment. Rose silently watched in amusement.

"Mum! I'm literally one year younger than you in this era!" Hugo huffed.

"Son, respect your mother," Ron warned his son. Hugo crossed his arms in frustration while Harry started to snigger, watching his best friends baby their son.  "Why do we drink water?" Louis asked miserably.

"Because we don't eat it, dumbass," Dominique retorted.

Dumbledore and McGonagall watched silently as Tobias and James II we're having their 5th argument that day. "You know, back in my day, flirting was a lot less destructive," Dumbledore sighed softly, watching the pair of boys. McGonagall smiled softly, watching as Albus II and Scorpius skipped together with their hands held.

"Aren't they just perfect?" McGonagall sighed, watching the Slytherin pair.

Back at the Hufflepuff table, Lucy, Tom II and Lily II were deep into their conversation. "Hey, what are the hardest things for all three of you to say?" Hannah Abbot asked them.

"I was wrong," Lucy said.

"I need help," Tom II replied.

"Worcestershire sauce," Lily II answered. The three others looked at her in confusion. "What?" she asked.

At the Gryffindor table, Roxanne was having a hard time picking what to eat for breakfast. "My body is screaming fruit but my heart is screaming cake!" Roxanne stressed.

"What is your mind screaming?" Fred II asked his twin sister.

Roxanne shrugged, "I don't know, it just screams..."

"Maybe I could make you scream my name in bed," Regulus II muttered to Rose. Rose turned to look at him, "What?"


"Missy! There you are!" Delphi held the grey cat in her hands. Even the cat looked traumatised. "Okay, 1975 group! Are you all ready to travel in time?" Teddy held the time turner in his hand. Some students in the hall gasped as the group gathered around Teddy.

"Be careful!" Ginny kisses James II and Lily II on the head while Harry and Albus II huffed the pair. "Stay safe," Harry smiled while Albus II waved goodbye to his siblings. Rose walked to her brother and hugged him. Hermione gave him a kiss on the head while Ron patted his shoulder reassuringly.

"You stay out of trouble, now?" Ron smiled as the three walked away from Hugo. Fred II pat his best friends on the back, "Don't die or I'll be lonely!" The other two laughed as James II pushed his glasses back - yes, he finally got glasses because Teddy was kind enough to conjure a pair for him.

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