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"Teddy? Can I talk to you in private?" Lily II asked his godbrother

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"Teddy? Can I talk to you in private?" Lily II asked his godbrother. Teddy nodded and stood up from the sofa, following the young girl away from the Hufflepuff common room. They were in an empty dormitory. Teddy leaned against the bed frame while Lily II sat on her bed.

"Is there anything you want to tell me? You look quite... sceptical," Teddy tilted his head as he observed the young girl.

"I have an idea but I don't know whether you'll like it or not," Lily II sighed, rubbing forehead.

"Go ahead, I'll listen," the older boy nodded his head and Lily II took a deep breath.

"You know how there are two Time-turners? Well, I was wondering if we could use the spare one to... you know?" Lily II bit her lip. Teddy looked blinked as he looked at her with a doubtful expression.

"Lily. This is a huge risk, this could cost us our lives-!"

"But it's our only chance, Ted! In a situation like this, we've got nothing to lose-"

"We have everything to lose!" Teddy snapped back. Lily II stared back sadly as the older boy rubbed his head in stress. "Don't you see? Sending yourself back in time, further, will only harm the timeline. We've already done enough damage! Those who die were meant to die! Changing the past will only affect the future," Teddy retorted with anger.

Lily II stared at her godbrother in tears, "I got a call from Lucy last night. Sirius is alive."

Teddy II looked up suddenly and stared at his godsister in shock, "H-He didn't die at the Ministry?" The young redhead shook her head and Teddy stared back at his empty hands.

"See? We still have a chance. Sirius is alive, imagine how many others we could save?" Lily II stood up from the bed and approached her godbrother.

"But... What year could it all possibly change?" Teddy looked up. The senior Hufflepuff thought to himself for a moment, what year could it all possibly change?

Tom Marvolo Riddle.

"That's it!" Teddy dashed out of the dormitory in a frenzy, leaving behind a confused Lily II.

"What's it? Where's it?" Lily II looked around and suddenly screamed when James II and young Sirius scared her in clown costumes. "That was not funny, boys!" Lily II huffed as the other two continued to laugh. Her face contorted slightly and she couldn't help but giggle with the pair of boys.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

1995 - Apparently Dominique is the CEO of Gucci

Dominique flipped her blonde her over her shoulder as she strutted through the Weasley's burrow. "Does anyone want to go get some KFC chicken? I have an unused coupon," Molly II rummaged through her wallet.

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