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"It was foolish for you to come here tonight, Tom

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"It was foolish for you to come here tonight, Tom..." Dumbledore walked out of the fireplace slowly, "The Aurors are on their way."

Scorpius looked at the headmaster with wide eyes, "Oh my... He used the name!" The young Malfoy whispered to Albus II. Albus II nodded, his facial expression was also painted with shock.

"By which time I shall be gone, and you..." Voldemort stared straight at him, "...Shall be dead."

"Oh, shit-" Albus II muttered. Dumbledore and Voldemort whipped out their wands as the trio of boys flew backwards by the Headmaster's magic. Scorpius watched with a contorted face as Bellatrix backed into the fireplace, making her getaway.

"We're gonna die, dad," Albus laughed the most monotonous laugh the other two have ever heard in their lives.

Dumbledore and Voldemort and aimed their wands at each other, shooting a spell at the same time. The young boys watched as the light shot from both wands connected, creating a bright explosion right in the middle. "WHERE IS ALL THIS WIND COMING FROM?!" Scorpius yelled, trying to hold onto the edge of the wall as some type of breeze was pushing him away.

"I DON'T KNOW, SCORP!" Albus II and Harry held onto the fireplace near them, holding on for dear life or they'd get blown away by the breeze.

They all dodged the lighting bolt erupting out of Voldemort's wand as the wall above them collapsed. "I'M TOO BEAUTIFUL TO DIE!" Scorpius screeched.

Suddenly, Voldemort breathed out fire from the magic created by the two of them. The large fireball had formed into an enormous snake; the large snake hissed, looking directly at Albus II, Harry and Scorpius. Voldemort cackled as he saw the surprise on Dumbeldore's face.

"Is this the right time to crack a joke?" Albus II laughed as he sat cross-legged on the floor, calmly. He was completely ignoring the fact that a large snake made out of literal fire was right there beside Voldemort, of all wizards and witches. "Albus, honey nO-" Scorpius yelled as the three watched Dumbledore use his magic.

Dumbledore took a large amount of water from the fountain near them and engulfed Voldemort inside of it, destroying the fire snake. "Hey, Scorpius? Why do scientists not trust atoms?" Albus II asked as Harry slowly walked up behind Dumbledore, watching Voldemort try to escape the large ball of water. Harry was suddenly pushed back by a magic force from Dumbeldore as the old man struggled to keep the water intact.

"Because they make everything up!" Albus II laughed. Scorpius looked at his boyfriend, he could sense why the young boy was making jokes. It was his way of dealing stress; either making a joke about it or avoiding the problem at all costs.

Scorpius smiled sadly, leaning down to Albus' level, "Al, that was the most unfunniest thing I have ever heard in my 15 years of living."

Suddenly, Voldemort yelled as his magic dispersed into the area around him, making Dumbledore fall backwards. The three boys held onto each other as the Dark Lord's magic hit every glass chamber around him. The chambers smashed into pieces and the glass pieces fell onto the floor, hitting them.

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