chapter 4

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Immediately after Mike's call, I feel butterflies in my stomach. Do I like him? Of course I do. Somebody's going to have a peaceful night. I heard that deep voice of his again, the one which melts my heart.

Sunday morning we attend church as usual with my mom. It's really difficult to skip church with her.

"Girl you won't believe it." I tell my best friend with excitement. "That you got a new phone or you've won a prize in one of your academic competitions." Sammy mocks me. "No" as I smile at her. "Okay I won't tell everything, I'll just summarize-" I pause. "I met Mike Brown." I can't stop smiling whenever I mention his name or think of him.

"You know since you've mentioned him you'll have to tell each and every detail right." Noisy Sammy, she's even more focused than ever. I tell her everything from the beginning including how he got my contact number without me being aware and my embarrassing actions outside the store.

"See girl what caught my attention at the house party, it's the very same thing which caught yours. Stupid ass, you should have behaved more girly than dropping your plastic bag." She laughs so hard at that and I join along too, taking my thoughts back to that scene.

"Anyways it's not like me and him are going to date." "Continue lying to yourself girl, I can tell you like him." She says as she's busy with her phone. "We're just not good for each other, I mean I'm a good girl I don't even party while he's the complete opposite of me." I fight myself against my words. Yes it's true though I might have something for Mike.

"Enough with the boring speech, since its school day tomorrow you have to look more girly. Wear a school skirt not your oversized tracksuits." She commands I do that just to get Mike's attention. "You know I dislike the skirt plus it's a bit long." "Then we'll make it short." "Whatever I think it's time I get going." I tell Sammy. "I'll walk you out." We say our goodbyes and separate.

I get home and prepare for a fresh Monday. I always do things on time just in case it happens I oversleep from studying late.

My alarm rings so loud, it's a Monday morning already. I wake up to brush my teeth then take a shower. I can't believe I took Sammy's advice of wearing a skirt and long socks. I have long hair which I'm really not good at styling it. I simply comb it up into a bun as always and head out to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

"Breakfast is ready sunshine." That's my mom with her funny nickname. "Really mom I'm still sunshine at the age of 16?" "Yes you're my shinning star." She states and we both laugh. "I'll have a fruit only, thank you but I'm fine."

"What's wrong?" She asks with concern. "I'm fine mom really." I assure her and she nods. I too I'm surprised by my decision of not having breakfast. I always have breakfast and a cup of coffee that's how I begin my day. Could it be that I'm nervous of today's day?

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