chapter 17

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We arrive at home. It's around 20:10pm and my dad is not yet back from visiting the Browns at town. "Can I make you a cup of hot chocolate?" I ask Zoe who's wondering around the living room. "Yes please" she nods. I head to the kitchen to plug on the kettle and prepare for making us a hot chocolate. "So many different drawings on the wall, this is beautiful." Zoe compliments while holding a drawing of an African lady who's wearing a fabric with her arms crossed around her shoulders. "You like that drawing?" "Yes, she's beautiful." "And so are you." I say and she giggles.

I approach her figure, offering the hot chocolate to her. "Thank you" we both get seated. "Oh no, this is bad." She tilts my head with her tiny fingers. "This, it's nothing." I hold my face. "Where can I get some ice?" Zoe asks, already heading towards the fridge. "Never mind I got them." She comes back to the living room with a pack of ice and a cloth on her hands. "I'm okay really, you don't have to worry about me." I tell her but she's stubborn to listen.

"Come closer" she orders and place the ice on my face. "What Mike did was uncalled for. I'm sorry for causing you trouble." She apologises.

"You don't have to apologise for his behavior. A Leopard never changes its spots."

"Why didn't you hit him back when he provoked you?"

"Because that's what he wanted." I say

"A fight?" Zoe asks in confusion.

"Yes a fight." I sigh.

"But why?"

We're disturbed by a door opening slowly. It's my dad and younger brother. They're back.

Zoe panics and I hold her hand. "Don't panic." She tries to relax. "Hey son we're back." My dad says with a welcoming smile. "You have company too." His eyes land on Zoe. I don't know what to say I simply smile at him. "Trigger you've got a girlfriend?" My forward little brother asks. "Hey that's none of your business. Go to your room Jake."

"My name is Jake and you are?" Jake reaches out his hand to Zoe. "I'm Zoe Jackson." Zoe replies nervously. I give Jake a glare and he departs from the living room. "Hi Mr Anderson, I'm sorry to come to your house by this time." Zoe apologises to my dad. "It's nice to meet you Zoe. No don't stress yourself, feel at home. Finally you brought a girl home I was beginning to get worried there's something wrong with you." Dad jokes as he's looking directly at me. "No dad she's not-" he interrupts me. "What happened to your face?" "Mike hit me." "You boys will always fight each other like cat and mouse until when? You two need to grow up you're brothers for God's sake."

I see Zoe's eyes widen up. "Not biological brothers. We grew up together that's what makes us practically family." I explain to Zoe and see her relax after. "That's a nice girlfriend you've got yourself. Keep her she's beautiful." Dad says. He's making the whole situation to be complicated. "Thank you Mr Andersen it's nice to meet you too." Zoe acknowledges my dad. "Are you sleeping over?" Dad questions Zoe. "Yes she is" I reply for her. "If that's the case protect yourself son." There it goes, he want to give me the sex talk right in front of Zoe. "Dad please" I ask him with pleading eyes to give us space. "Okay that's my queue to leave. Goodnight" "Goodnight Mr Andersen" Zoe replies.

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