chapter 54

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The week passes by tediously and it's a Friday already. "I'm currently busy with my assignment but yeah expect me to be there by midnight." Mike says through the phone. "Just last week you were here and now you are coming back. That means you will be coming every weekend." I voice out as if I'm complaining but deep down I'm happy that I will be seeing him soon. "Pardon me is that a complaint? I don't see anything wrong there, you're my girl." He says with his deep voice, making my heart to jump a little as I grin to myself. "I'm your what?" "You're my girl." I blush again upon hearing those words, I just needed to hear him say it again because the way he says it send chills all over my body.

"You deserve every good thing Zoe. I want to make up for everything and treat you right, which is why tomorrow I've got a special surprise for you." "Tell me already Mike." I say impatiently. "Learn to be patient, you'll find out tomorrow." He says and I'm sure a smirk is evident on his face. "Okay..." I groan like a baby and he laughs before hanging up. I send Linda a text alerting her about tomorrow and asking for advice of what to wear. 

'Be yourself, simplicity is your style.' The text says and I roll my eyes before replying 'Thanks a lot; you've been of great help.' She sends emojis due to my sarcasm and I place my phone aside as I  check my wardrobe. I really need to add clothes, sighs!


Yesterday I barely slept, thinking about 'the surprise' I have no idea of. Mike has sent me the location of where we'll be meeting soon, the park. I smile to myself and apply mascara, eyeliner and a bit of makeup. I'm not that much a fan of makeup but a huge fan of mascara and eyeliner. I then apply lip gloss on my lips and grab my side bag before heading out.

I take a walk to the park since it is not that far, playing with my phone along the way until my destination is reached. I dart my eyes around and finally spot his blue BMW car. I move towards Mike's direction and shyly facing the ground as I'm approaching him with his eyes fixed on me and there goes the familiar rush of adrenaline whenever I see him.

He is leaning on his car but moves to offer me a hug and a baby kiss as I'm now invading his personal space. "You look good. Nice to see you." He compliments and I blush and then he brings his hand from behind him. "This is for you." Mike offers me a red rose "For me?" I ask; my voice cracking. "For you babe" "Thank you so much." I acknowledge him and offer a kiss on his cheek. "You're so quick to acknowledge." He says with a grin on his face, grabbing my hand and dragging me to the other side of the car. I know it's his dad's car but I've never seen Mr Brown driving it, it's always with Mike that's why I'm now used to calling it his car.

My eyes widen in adoration upon meeting with the beautiful set of picnic he has prepared. "Mike you did all of these for me?" I hug him, feeling special. "You're my girl, anything for you." He smirks, his eyes glistening with affection. He grabs my hand, sitting me down with him. "You're making it seem like our first time meeting up." I say; my eyes watery already. "Don't be all emotional; to me it's actually our first time. I should have done this by then but instead I jumped into conclusions and I'm sorry for that. I want you to feel like I'm actually still asking you out even though you are already mine." He says, intertwining our hands and a tear drops on my face. Mike uses his hand to wipe it off.

"Rather cry tears of joy than of pain." He jokes, causing me to giggle. "I love you." I say as I cup my hands on his soft face, bringing him closer for a kiss. "I love you Zoe." He replies with a beam after our kiss. "Can we eat, I really can't stare for long now." I joke, my eyes locked on the picnic set. Mike simply chuckles then opens the choc-cock yoghurt, digging it in with a strawberry then brings it to my mouth feeding me. I do the same too with a piece of chocolate that I'm holding. "Mr Romantic, I just don't get it how one minute you are this sweet guy and the next you are being back to your arrogant self." I say, eating the other piece of chocolate.

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