Present Time

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I can feel my body tremble just by seeing that name. It's been so long since I heard it. I stopped checking up on Chanyeol after a couple of years and the break-up happened 3 years ago. I knew that the best way to move on is to totally eliminate all sorts of connection and I guess it worked.

Kyungsoo looked at me with worry. "Well, it could be a different Chanyeol."

I turned to Kyungsoo. "You could be right..." After all, there could be a lot of Park Chanyeol here. It is not limited to one person.

Kyungsoo then got his phone, "we can Google it"

My breath started to slow down and I can feel my hands start to shake. Like I said, it's been 3 years since I last saw him in person. I never got the chance to know what happened to him after graduation or know where he was  working right now.

"Oh shoot"

"It's him, isn't it?"

Kyungsoo looked at me. "We can just decline." He said it as if it was the easiest thing to do. But I won't give up on our plans just because my ex is related to it.

"No. This is our dream and the people need to know about this book. I want people to know my pain."

"But are you ready to see the person who caused it?"

I faked a smile. "Of course! It's been 3 years. I've moved on" I know I did. It's been so long. I did everything I could possibly think of to erase all his remnants in my life.

He raised his eyebrow. "Oh, you stopped writing him letters?"


"That pause obviously means no, Baek. You're not ready for this." He folded the letter and was about to leave when I grabbed his arm.

"Come on, Kyung. We both wanted this. This is my chance to be known and your company to be known. We can't let some old feelings ruin our dreams. I won't let Chanyeol prevent me from achieving my dream."

Kyungsoo would never allow me, I know it. He wasn't my close friend for nothing. He was there when I let all my feelings eat me alive. He was there when I was mad at Chanyeol. He was there when I cried as I wondered what the hell happened for Chanyeol to just leave me.

"Please." I looked at him straight in his eyes. I know in my heart that this was a one-time opportunity. This was a sign for me to take a new step. He also knew that I won't stop pestering him about it.

"Fine. It's just a meeting anyway. But if you come home broken as hell, I will stop everything."

"I promise. Chanyeol can't hurt me anymore."

It was a lie. Just thinking about seeing Chanyeol alone made my heart hurt. But I need to see him. I need to know the answers. I need to know why he left me that day.

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