Present Time

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"Hey" He suddenly said a few hours after the doctor left. I was busy reading articles about the movie and answering some of Kyungsoo's questions. I turned to my side to look at him.

He looked tired despite sleeping for hours. I lightly smiled, "hey"

I reached out to his hand and he held it tight. "Aren't you going home or work? The movie should start preparing by now, right?" I nodded, "Yeah. I think I need to wash up. Don't want to smell around here."

He chuckled, "You smell great no matter what, Baek. But yes, you need to go home and sleep. You can visit me whenever you're free."

But that wasn't what I wanted. If only I could stay here until his time.... runs out, I would. "If I do that, then it won't feel like how we were before."

He looked at me with curiosity. I smile, "I wasn't the type to leave you alone, remember? I was like a little duck following you around." He laughed, but in between those giggles, he would cough.

His cough were deep and looked like it hurt a lot. He would hold his chest as he grasps for air. I moved closer to support him but there wasn't anything I could do. It took a couple of minutes before he was back to normal.

"Sorry" he mumbled.

I shake my head, "don't be! Can I do anything for you? Get you water?" He took a deep breath and nodded.

I slowly let go of his hand and head to the table. I pour water to a small cup and rushed to his side. His hand was shaking so I supported his hand as he drank water. He took a small sip and moved his head away, indicating that he was fine.

I placed the cup on the bedside table and looked at him. "Feeling better?"

He nodded. "I might sleep for a bit. My mom would be here in a couple of hours. You can go home now and visit again tomorrow."

I didn't know why he kept on insisting that I go, but he looked really tired and I didn't want to give him stress. "Okay, if that's what you want."

I slowly stood up and kissed his forehead. He closed his eyes for a bit and when I moved away, he smiled at me.

"I missed your kisses, Baek."

I chuckled and got my bag. "You still have the energy to flirt, huh?"

He nodded and laid down comfortably on his bed though I wonder if it really feels comfortable. I wonder what he was feeling but I couldn't ask that of course.

I walked to the door and took one last look of him before leaving. When I got out, I was surprised to see Kyungsoo waiting for me. He looked at me directly and he nodded.

For some unknown reason, I rushed to him and gave him a huge hug. All of the strength I had awhile ago was instantly gone. My body trembled as I cried and Kyungsoo patted my back.

"Come, I will take you home." 

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