The Wolf Sin Of Despond

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This part will be the usual, just telling you what everything means and what you can do.

(Y/N) = Your Name.
(E/C) = Eye Color.
(H/C) = Hair Color

Your Species is unknown, and you may be the only one of your kind.

You are also kind of like Escanor, but slightly reversed in the sense that you are stronger in the night. You are still really powerful in the day, but you get extra power at night, making your power level higher.

Your clothes are completely up to you, as well as weapon design.
(Edit: I feel I should point this out, I said design of the weapon, not the weapon itself. More just how it looks rather than what it is.)

Now let's get into abilities!

Absorbing Sheild - Any magic attack that hits the shield will absorb into your body with reduced damage. If you do it just right, there's also a chance you'll be able to shoot the attack back at them with some of your own power added to it.

Leach - This ability is where you use a tendril to stab into your enemy and absorb their power.

Then there is an ability that can only be done at night or when your power level is high enough.

Full Wolf - This is an ability you can only do when you power level is high enough, but what it does is you double in size and grow fur made out of your power, which is basically black energy with orange lines for the details. There is also some white in the middle, and this is how your power looks. Like whenever you use a tentacle or something, that's what it looks like. This boosts your Power Level by 25,000.

Then we have an ability that you can only use on a full moon, between the hours of 11:00 pm and 1:00 am.

Reverse - Reverse will only work if you dont attack after taking damage. You take damage, doesn't matter how much, doesn't matter how many times, as long as you dont attack, when you say "Reverse", all the damage people did to you, will be sent back to them proportionally. So it will hurt them just as bad as it hurt you.


Further note: Don't get discouraged by the writing, it gets better as you go, this was just my first rime really writing anything. When this story is finished, I'll go back and rewrite it.

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