Part 4 : Fool's Paradise

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PART 4 – Fool's Paradise

"Kogami, don't let him escape!" she shouted with despair.

Her voice resonated through the acoustics of the factory, reaching everyone who was in the settlement. Both criminals... and her colleagues. But, she didn't have time to be embarrassed about it.

While she was dragging a hysteric, crying woman, forcing her to move forward, Kogami was running after their prime suspect since he was the closest to the fugitive. Kagari and Masaoka were still dealing with other criminals on the upper floor. Ginoza, who led them, barged in first.

Occasional blasts were seen as members of Division One were firing their Dominators. They also used secondary equipment, avoiding firing too many shots since the Dominators could blast up to four shots before the recharge.

"Come on," Shizuka urged the girl to hurry, but wasn't able to move well herself. The wound on her own leg caused her a great deal of pain. She had almost got used to it, which was actually useful because the adrenaline rush gave her additional strength and will to drag the traumatized woman around. Regardless, her thigh was still bleeding, and the improvised wrap didn't really help. The incision wasn't too deep, but it needed the first aid kit as soon as possible. The danger of infection was high because the knife was dirty.

The girl was sobbing, and was unable to make another move.

"Please... just a little bit further... please," Shizuka pled. She was so relieved to see Yayoi, who arrived from the opposite direction.


"Kunizuka... take her out. Quickly!" Shizuka pushed the woman towards the enforcer. The enforcer grabbed her arm and pulled her on the extracting drone. She managed to drag the girl towards the exit, making her lean onto her for support.

"Inspector Akibara!" Kunizuka wanted to go back for Shizuka, who just shook her head.

"Prioritize the victim, Yayoi! Do it!" Dammit.

Akibara was trying to follow... but her leg was bleeding anew. She pressed the wrapper on her wound and walked, using the wall as the support. The upper floor was dangerously shaking. There was a great possibility that it would collapse. She was worried about Gino... and the enforcers that were still with him. Nevertheless, the suspect was about to escape.

Kagari tried to shoot from above with his Dominator, but failed to hit the criminal that Kogami was still running after. He cursed, and looked at Masaoka.

"Masaoka-san! He will run away!"

The older enforcer shook his head, showing the low charge of his handle. The Dominator could fire only fire up four electromagnetic shots... and Masaoka used them all for other criminals. But, he still had an idea. He lifted an old, rusty barrel and dropped it down to make a barricade. That slowed the criminal down just enough... and bought the time for Kogami to shorten the distance between them.

But, as Masaoka threw the object, an iron bar fell from the construction with a cling. The floor under Gino's feet started creaking. It was impossible to stay up there any longer. Inspector called up his two enforcers, who were still transferring paralyzed people by putting them on moving drones.

"You two! Get down, quickly! The floor is about to collapse!" Ginoza warned. Masaoka and Kagari have both nodded, and started running down the stairs.

Ginoza was looking at Kogami, who was relatively near the suspect now. His aim was now within the range to read the criminal's Psycho Pass.

The enforcer pointed out his Dominator towards the man, but he took a sudden turn, and changed the direction. And there was an issue with that.

"Shit!" Kagari yelled.

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