Part 5 : Common Ground

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PART 5 – Common Ground

Since they have dealt with such a grave crime, and on a large scale... they had to get a collective evaluation after the whole incident ended.

Psycho Hazard was still threatening to contaminate the mental states of everyone in Division I, so inspectors had to go through the checkups, as well as the Enforcers.

To avoid crowding Karanomori's lab, they were getting in two groups. First group was led by Ginoza, who took Kunizuka and Kagari, leaving the second group – consisted of Masaoka and Kogami - with Shizuka. The first group finished their examination rather quickly, allowing the second group to proceed with theirs.

As Masaoka and Kogami entered the lab, Ginoza and Kunizuka went out, passing Shizuka by as they were leaving for the day.

"Inspector Ginoza... may I have a word?" Shizuka asked.

"Make it quick, inspector Akibara," he was still giving her a cold treatment. She led him away from the entrance.

"How long are you going to keep this up?" she wanted to know. Gino gave her the look.

"Keep what up, inspector?" he asked. She inhaled deeply.

"This. Being this... unpleasant towards me."

She was thinking about how to say this to him. She was preparing herself to have this conversation for a while... but she didn't have the opportunity until just now.

"I know you want to keep it professional, and that we haven't been amicable for a long time... but ever since I've joined your division, you've been acting like I am some kind of a junior inspector that can't bring her own decisions. It has to stop, Ginoza-san. We don't have to be friends, but you have to learn that I am your partner... well, at least for now... and that you can rely on me, and my judgement."

He crossed his arms.

"Your judgment often gets you in a position where you might get killed. Before you say our job is of that nature, let me remind you that every case we've had... was a risk that you shouldn't have taken. An inspector shouldn't take a risk that an Enforcer is due to do. It's the whole point of having Enforcers in a first place."

It's not like he didn't have a point. But, she had a point too.

"Ginoza-san... I've told you before. I am very grateful to you for saving my life. The last case was a tough one. But, in time of distress I brought a decision that would benefit the system. My own life wasn't a priority. Apprehending that criminal was of an absolute importance since so many people fell victims to Psycho Hazard. It was of the utmost importance to catch him. You, as a fellow inspector... should have known that much."

He frowned.

"I was aware. Still, I believe your decision was an extreme one. Kogami would manage to kill, or wouldn't manage to kill that culprit... but, regardless, you have foolishly put your life on the line. I can't fathom how easily you'd just... give it up. We could have found and chased that criminal some other time. At some other place. It wasn't as helpless of a situation as you've estimated it to be. We have the best analysts that could have traced him anywhere in Japan. There were so many other options, and yet... you've disregarded them all for an immediate, and the most absurd solution – putting your life at the ultimate risk. It was reckless. It was rash. That's why I can't rely on your judgement."

She sighed. Will they ever see the things the same way?

"My judgement was synchronous with Sibyl's. You are the one who wasn't following the standard procedure, inspector. You would have let the criminal escape on account of saving my life. That's foolish as well."

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