Part 31 : The Unbearable

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PART 31 – The Unbearable

All eight suspects were interrogated again. This time, in an official surroundings and in more serious manner. Each of them acted differently. Some were calm. The others evidently upset. Some felt threatened, then threatened back. The others just took it normally, and referred to it as to their civic duty.

"I am sorry for calling you all the way to the Ministry," Ginoza apologized. "We are working a certain case so it's required to do formal interviews with potential witnesses in our headquarters. I am sure you don't mind?"

The first interrogated suspect was Kawamura Nishiki. He was a licensed therapist.

"Not at all, Ginoza-san. I prefer to help if I can."

"Have you ever used escapism as form of treating your own hue, or hues of your patients?"

The man nodded.

"Tried... but it didn't produce results I hoped it would. Actually... my patients' hues worsened once they tried to rewrite reality. I myself occasionally use escapism... but not frequently. It's not good for my hue either."

"What are you using for treating your hue, then?"

"Oh, nothing out of the ordinary. Therapy. I have my own therapist. Also, music. I find Chopin quite stimulating to my specter."

"Is there anyone of your patients that showed unusual behavior as of recently?"


"I do mind. What is this all about?" Mukota Koshiro wasn't happy to be bothered. He had an appointed hue treatment in the afternoon. It was a nuisance to lose his spare time at the Bureau. Whatever their investigation was.

"It's about method you previously used to treat your hue. Escapism... if I am correct?" Kunizuka said. The man immediately changed his attitude.

"I... I tried. But it wasn't working for me."

"And what did?"

"Painting. Art is the only way to treat hue properly," he responded, as if it was obvious. "I paint almost on regular basis. In fact... I have abstract-based art exhibition next week, if you want to attend, Kunizuka-san."

"Is there anyone from your group... well, Hitagawa Kana's group of patients... that behaved strangely as of recently?"


"Why am I being interrogated again?" Itsuki Satoshi was irritated. "I already told you... I didn't see Hitagawa Kana in a while. That aside... I am an escapist. I don't need to talk to another escapist to keep my hue clean. I already mastered it!"

He seemed restless. Nervous. He was sweating. He didn't even think of using escapism to calm himself down.

"Hey, no need to be so flustered, Itsuki-san. We are just having a conversation," Kagari pointed out. "Did Hitagawa Kana teach you this method?" he already knew the answer, but he wanted to see how Itsuki would react.

"Sure... but I told you. I haven't seen her in years."

"What type of art are you interested in?"

"What kind of question is that?!"

"Just respond, please."

"None in particular. Though... I sometimes go to exhibitions of plastic sculptures, when my girlfriend takes me."

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