Part 11 : The Best Reliever

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PART 11 – The Best Reliever

As Inspector, she wasn't supposed to train with a real opponent. In simple terms, having a living, breathing person, made of flesh... heading towards you with clear possibility of doing you harm, meant deliberately exposing yourself to stressful situation. Crime Coefficients could raise, and disturbance levels could lead to clouding of hues.

But, Shizuka never had this problem while training with Shinya. There was that factor of knowing him, so she never regarded him as a real opponent... and that factor of feeling secure around him. He wasn't a threat, not even when he was approaching her in a threatening, combat manner. Not even when he wasn't going to hold back and go easy on her just because they had history. He knew better than to disrespect her like that.

Nevertheless, no matter how the training session went, he would never harm her. At least, not intentionally.

While Kogami was more into Silat... she started with Systema, a form of fighting style where she could, as a woman, use unconventional movements to win a fight against a common criminal. It looked more like a dance than a real fighting style, but it had its benefits, especially under Sibyl. Previously regarded as shady, Systema grew into a serious martial art discipline over time, packing some deadly punches and rivaling other disciplines in terms of strength and fighting capacity. She looked more like a dancer, so it was convenient during public displays. In real fights, she used Silat.

This discipline was difficult to her when she begun training. Mitsuru used to mock her, telling her she needed some easier discipline, for she was a fragile woman that needed to fight dirty, should the case deem so and none of the enforcers were around to help her.

Ginoza avoided sparring sessions altogether, estimating them unnecessary for regular and adequate police work. Shizuka still took Systema classes so she could solve cases on her own, refusing to depend on Enforces all the time.

But, against Kogami, Systema couldn't do much. He was on a higher level, a much harder opponent, and becoming a latent criminal only increased his resolve to become stronger. It will take Silat... to fight Silat. But, their levels were... incomparable.

The punch flew through the air, and Shinya caught her fist. He blocked the other one as well, so they relied solely on strength to push against one another. She tried to dug her feet more into the ground, and maintain her posture. He was taller, so it was more difficult for her to keep balance. The fact that he was also massive didn't help.

She broke the stance, and tried to kick him with her knee, aiming for his abdomen. He backed up, releasing her hands, blocking the knee with arms crossed under it, and aimed his next punch at her solar plexus. She dodged it, trying to make him lose balance as she lowered down to trip him.

He jumped, not allowing her to fulfill her intent. She used his movement to land a powerful punch into his chest, making him recoil. He grabbed her wrist in the process, twisting it along the way. She used her free elbow, hitting him in his stomach again, making him release her once again.

"Not bad, inspector. But, you will have to do better," he smiled, rubbing the place that still hurt from the force of her blow.

"Oh? I think that's my line, enforcer," she invited him to attack, and he clenched his hands into fists, smiling.

"You still have a lot to learn. I will be happy to provide my services," he teased, coming closer.

They started boxing, occasionally rising their legs to kick one another. She had to admit she missed their sparring sessions, mostly because that was a way they managed each other's hues while they were still together. Well, among other things. Things that involved him without shirt... much like now. It was very distracting.

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