Part 8 : Delete Log

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PART 8 – Delete Log

After a particularly long night shift, Shizuka left the bureau and headed home. The traffic was relatively peaceful, with minor setbacks, but she got in front of her building sooner than she expected.

In the hallway, she met Ginoza, who'd just finished waking his dog. His sharp expression softened a bit after he saw her.

They were neighbors, living next to each other. However, they didn't visit one another as much as they used to. A lot of things made them keep their distance... but they were working on repairing their relationship, step by step. It seemed they were slowly mending the strand that bureau (and their personal differences) recently put between them.

Dime joyfully ran towards her, happy for seeing a familiar face. She gently caressed Siberian husky's fur. Gino slowly approached, following his dog's lead.

"Busy night?" he asked, putting his hands into pockets of his trousers. He was wearing a casual black shirt, and this time, he wasn't wearing eyeglasses. He seemed less strict... and much younger this way. He will never realize just how handsome he is, she thought to herself. Always insecure about his looks. Always finding reasons to undermine himself... doubting everything. It was such a shame.

"I've just finished writing the report for Kasei. Do you want to hear about it?" she offered, knowing he'd be interested. But, Ginoza shook his head.

"No... there's no need. We aren't on duty right now," he said, putting his hand behind his nape, almost apologizing. Sometimes, he didn't know what to do with his hands while talking to her. It was almost like he was still nervous, but that wasn't a case.

"You are always on duty, Gino," she smiled, "you can't help it."

He didn't deny it.

"Duty is always out there. The law must be protected by all costs," he put it simply. He pressed the button to call an elevator.

"That's so like you," she smiled. "Well... you'll be happy to know we prevented a pretty large psycho hazard in the city."

Seeing how that sounded, she added: "Actually... the one who did all the work were Kunizuka, Kagari and Kogami. They outdid themselves tonight."

She was very proud of her team. But, to Gino, she sounded like an idiot. She saw that much.

"How many casualties?" he just asked, not wanting to fight with her about things they didn't agree on.

"Only the perpetrators. Five of them. Also, a few people were hospitalized, and are having their psycho passes checked... but the prognosis is they will pull through. They will be fine."
Ginoza nodded.

"Another solved case. At this rate, chief Kasei will have to reconsider lifting that ban on your authorization to use a Dominator," he thought. The elevator arrived.

"You don't sound too enthusiastic about it," she pointed out as the door opened.

"I am not sure if it's for the best... yet."

Just... how difficult can he be?

"Oh, come on, Gino. Give me a break," she sighed, entering the elevator before him.

"I am trying to," he said, "but you wouldn't take it anyway. You are too stubborn." He entered next, pulling Dime's leash. The dog, who felt left out for some time, barked loudly to reclaim attention. It served as a welcoming digression to Shizuka.

"Hey there, boy," she petted him, with an honest grin on her face, "just look at you. You get bigger every time I see you."

Gino pressed the button for floor they were living on, and waited for the elevator to close and move. The dog affectionately pressed its muzzle against the palm of her hand. She stroked it and gently hugged Ginoza's pet.

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