Part 22 : Unleashed

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PART 22 – Unleashed

Shizuka had several visits during her recovery. Mio was among the first ones, worried sick about her sister. Sayo and Kaori both visited her after they finished the shifts on their jobs.

Mio had just left when the two of them entered her room, bringing flowers and sweets.

"Shizuka Akibara, you reckless girl. We heard you had an accident," Sayo greeted her, hugging her. Surely, telling them that she was shot was a bit too much, and the bureau wouldn't want to cause panic among the regular citizens, so the hospital stuff was told to refer to her state like it was caused by an accident.

"Yes... it was quite shocking," Shizuka smiled, hugging her friend back. The wound still ached a bit, but overall, it was healing nicely.

"We saw Kogami outside," Kaori grinned, putting the gifts on the night desk. "He is more handsome than I remember. I forgot how well he looked in a suit!"

"Hey, you have a boyfriend now," Sayo reminded Kaori, who just giggled and sat on the other side of Shizuka's bed.

"Who says I can't look at the other guys just because I am taken?" the girl joked.

"Sibyl does. Your hue might cloud!"

"It won't!"

Shizuka thought about this. Looking at other guys while in relationship wasn't a big deal. But, thinking about another guy... that was a clear sign of something being wrong. She wasn't supposed to think about Ginoza and why he hadn't visited yet. And yet, she still did.

"Well, it's Kogami. Anyone would stare," Shizuka smiled at both of them. "I am glad to hear you have someone, Kaori! Who were you paired with? Did Sibyl make the match?"

Shizuka was intrigued. Kaori was the timid type, pretty, but job-oriented. She didn't date much. Now, she seemed confident. More open. Cheerful. The new love made her blossom.

"It was him who approached me, actually. He said he liked me, and asked me on a date. At first, I wasn't sure about it, since the match wasn't even Sibyl-suggested... but I decided to give it a try nonetheless. I quite like him," Kaori smiled, and blushed.

"Haha, who wouldn't like him? He's talkative. Handsome. He looks like an actor. He is well mannered, well educated, has a good temper, is wealthy and works in the ministry of economy," Sayo blabbered, happy for her friend scoring so well.

"Sounds like the perfect guy," Shizuka smiled.

"Ichiro is gentle. And romantic. I am glad to have someone like him by my side," Kaori never seemed so in awe with someone.

"As I am sure Shizuka loves having Kogami around," Sayo smirked, winking at Shizuka, who didn't deny or confirm the statement.

"Too bad he's an Enforcer now. And too bad you two can't get back together," Kaori seemed saddened by the fact. She also didn't seem to think Shizuka would choose to get back to someone who was fated to live the rest of his days as an outcast.

"Who says they can't?" Sayo considered Kaori to be pretty naïve sometimes. "The flame is still there, isn't it, Shizu? After all, it was 92 percent of 100 possible percent. That affection doesn't just fade!"

Sayo couldn't know just how right she was. Shizuka smiled, thinking how Kogami was still the main topic of most of girl-talks. Her Enforcer never seemed to lose his appeal.

"What about Ginoza, then? I thought the two of you might get close... after..."

"Now, now, let's not talk about Gino in that context, Kaori. Tell me more about that charming guy of yours instead," Shizuka didn't even want to think about him anymore. There was no point, since it would cause her an inner disturbance that she just couldn't afford in that moment.

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