Part 23 : Pavlovian Dog (lemon)

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PART 23 – Pavlovian Dog (Respondent Conditioning)

Warning: This chapter contains smut, and is almost a full lemon. Please, read at your own discretion.

The building was almost the same as he remembered. Not much has changed. Maybe the wall-color, holograms in front of the doors, some installations and tenants have changed... but the space looked almost identically as it was when he left it to resign as an Inspector.

It felt strange, coming again. It was the same corridor. Same doors and escalators. Same windows, and the same elevator he'd kiss her in, touch her like he was touching now. The sound of the elevator's door hadn't changed either. But, that was all of little importance comparing to how he felt when she was in his arms. The little sounds she produced while she tried to remain silent were like a sweet music to his ears.

They were both wet, but also hot under their soaked clothes. Both their faces were cold, but their lips were burning. Drops were dripping from their hair, their skin... but they didn't mind. Both of them were too focused on one another.

They had to calm their breaths down, steadying their heartbeats. She slid his hips and got on the ground, nervously laughing.

Someone could have seen them. And, it wouldn't even be the first time. There was an old neighbor of theirs who lived down the corridor. The old lady didn't appreciate them fooling around in elevators, since she witnessed first-handed Shinya groping Shizuka. They were pretty young at the time, though... but the lady glared at Shizuka even to this day. But, more importantly, the old lady wasn't the only neighbor who wouldn't appreciate seeing them in that state.

He passed Ginoza's door by, feeling a bit of guilt. Even that feeling was familiar. Deep down, he knew Shizuka felt the same uneasiness... but she didn't allow herself to show it. Because she was with Kou... and it wouldn't be fair to him.

Most of the time, they both took care not to irritate Gino. They would kiss in front of him, but it was more of a short peck than a real kiss. Like they wouldn't dare to show more in front of their mutual friend. They were even careful not to show too much affection to one another in front of him. But, they were a couple. They were on a brink to get married. It's not like Gino wasn't aware of what was going on behind the closed doors of two people who lived together.

She used her card to open the apartment, letting him in.

Kogami wanted to get back for so long. This was the place he considered home. He was overwhelmed... by happy memories, but also by the melancholy... and regret.

"Welcome home, Shinya," she said. Despite bringing him here of her own volition... it was hard for her too. She was so thrilled she could take him home... that it started to hurt on the inside.

Because she couldn't be with him anymore. Not in a normal way.

One night. One night... and he'll have to go back to the bureau. But... at least for that night... he can be what he used to be - her fiancé.

"It's good to be back, Shizu," he uttered. He made a few steps forward. She still had paintings of Sibyl-approved artists. Every wall was nicely decorated.

She closed the door behind him, allowing him to go first and look around the apartment. He removed his shoes, leaving them at the door. She did the same, observing how he acted. He had that calm expression, but his eyes gave something away. Something she knew all too well.

She kept everything intact... including their old projections. The couple smiled happily from all those virtual frames. There were mementos from graduations, birthdays, anniversaries, celebrations. Just the two of them alone, but also with their families and friends. Shinya entered the living room, looking around.

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