Part 25 : Mens Rea

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PART 25 – Mens Rea

She entered the office with a grim expression. The rest of the team didn't look any better. Ginoza glared at her as she took her place at the desk next to him, enabling the keyboard.

"What do we have?" she asked, removing her jacket and putting it at the chair. What happened in Kasei's office really bugged her, but she didn't want to show it to others. It was between Ginoza, Kasei and her. Gino remained highly professional despite what he found out during the meeting. He sighed, straightening his glasses.

Giving her a silent treatment won't do. He has to be objective, and leave personal matters outside the office. He responded to her question.

"We have a serial killer, three victims, and all three of them are women. The IVT is established, as well as the M.O. Which is exceptionally brutal. Hence... I am not sure whether you should work this case at all," he was honest.

"My hue is stabilizing as we speak," she reminded him. The conversation with Mukojima helped, and Shizuka's Psycho-Pass got even clearer. The recovery was quicker than she expected, and she was glad to have that kind of necessary progress in such a short time.

"Shizuka... Gino is right. You might need to take this slow," Kogami warned, crossing his arms over his chest. It was rare to hear him call her by the first name in front of others. She rose from her seat, approaching Gino's desk.

"What Enforcer Kogami is trying to say... is that you knew these victims," he explained. "That fact alone will affect your CC. Still... we will need your insight to determine the initial profile. But, given the circumstances, you may want to work the case without knowing victims' names and other specifications."

"Send me the files," Akibara demanded. Kunizuka turned to face everyone. Masaoka kept his hands in pockets of his coat. Kagari pushed his chair towards the rest of his team, getting closer to his colleagues. Kogami and Ginoza were looking at each other now. They were considering whether she should know everything... or not. Shizuka put her hands on her hips, raising her chin.

"Division One. Everyone," she started. "I will say this now and we won't bring this topic ever again. I, and only I... am responsible for my hue. If I take an action, knowing it could affect my crime coefficient, it means I decided I was able to handle the situation. And if I fail in my estimation, it's my own mistake. No one is to be held responsible for what I do. We all have the capacity to fight crime. That's why we are all selected by the system. And if system decides I am no longer needed, then I will accept it peacefully. So, please. No more talk about my hue. No more mentioning of escapism. Don't treat me as someone who needs constant protection. Treat me as your colleague instead."

She looked at her former, and her current partner.

"Shinya. Nobuchika. As Shepherd Two, I will decide whether I can work this case or not. Send me what you have. This is not a request," she clarified.

Maybe all three had their issues regarding their personal feelings and overall emotional states... but when it came to their job, they all needed to get detached, and very objective. Sibyl deemed them as such, and they all wanted to remain that way. Shizuka included.

"Suit yourself, Inspector," Ginoza sent her the file. She received the data, opening it on her wrist-com.

"Kimura Yuya," she read, recognizing the first picture. "I assume we still don't have a suspect?"

"Not yet," Masaoka said. "But, we are making possible profiles."

She looked at the second victim. Natsuki Kimiko. She knew the girl personally, unlike with Kimura. Kimiko was a classmate in Psychology course she took. It was stressful to see her tied... tortured... defiled. Humiliated. Luckily, since Shizuka was warned in advance, she took it better than she thought. Hopefully, it wouldn't drastically affect her Psycho-Pass. Or, at least, that's how she thought until she saw the last picture.

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