Part 27 : The Turning Point (lemon)

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PART 27 – The Turning Point

------ back then --------

"A woman needs to know how to protect herself. Especially if she is beautiful," Sasayama would say, amused by a hand-slap he would get after she'd successfully avoided his casual grip of her butt. He loved to tease her, even with Kogami being present. Actually, maybe he enjoyed it even more because of Kogami. The man was incorrigible.

"And especially with you around," Kogami would say to Mitsuru, smiling at Shizuka who wasn't amused. Sasayama grinned, seeing the look on her face. He put his arm over her shoulders, calling the truce.

"Me and the likes of me. There are a lot of deranged folks out there, just waiting to grab a fine woman like her... hoping to do the unspeakable."
She removed his arm, quietly moving and sitting next to Ginoza.

"That's enough, Sasayama," Gino would say, commenting only when he felt that Sasayama overstepped his boundaries.

"Oh, Ginoza-sensei, pardon my insight. It's just how the world works. She is an Inspector. She needs to know what she's getting herself into, and act accordingly. She is working a tough case, the man is a maniac. If she doesn't protect herself... no one will protect her."

On that, she agreed with Sasayama. Gino strongly disliked her being so worked up about learning to train martial arts. He closed his law manual, sharply grazing Mitsuru with his eyes.

"We have dogs like you for a reason. You should protect and guard so she wouldn't have to risk her Psycho-Pass. If you intend to do your job, then she won't need to endanger her hue by practicing suspicious and violent disciplines. It's what criminals do, so it's no wonder you suggest violent solutions. I remind you, she is still an Inspector."

"Who might easily become an Enforcer, having that probl... I mean... ability."

Kogami didn't like it any more than Ginoza did... but at this point, he found himself agreeing with Sasayama.

"Gino... could it be you are actually worried I'd snatch Kogami's girl away?" Sasayama grinned. "Something you can never do?"

"Hey... no one is snatching anyone's girl," Kogami was already used to Mitsuru's provocations, so they didn't affect him much... but Ginoza's vein popped on his temple.

"Look, Gino's all flustered. Could it be you still like her?" Mitsuru had to provoke him further.

"You are the lowest of the low, Enforcer," he jumped from his seat, making Shizuka reach for his sleeve. Ginoza glared at her, but Sasayama was entertained.

"Gino, he is just messing with you," Shizuka said. "Mitsuru, please. That's enough."

"Let him, Shizu, I don't mind teaching him a thing or two about fighting either. Shall we, Gino-sensei?" Sasayama leaned towards Ginoza, and Shizuka stood in between, making her serious expression.

"Sasayama... sit down," she warned, "or I will shoot you."

"Why don't you do it, Inspector?" he provoked, getting closer to her.

"You are pushing your luck now," Gino's eyes could kill in that moment. He clenched his fists.

"Mitsuru, step aside," Kogami approached them, not worried, but not amused either.

"Fine... fine," Sasayama said, laughing at all three. He loved to see them all so worked up.

"You want this beast to train you?" Ginoza aimed his anger towards Shizuka.

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