Part 42 : The Harder Way

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PART 42 – The Harder Way

She fought with everything she could to save her relationship with Shinya. Of that much... she was absolutely sure. However... things aren't always as simple as people wish them to be. Shizuka had to learn it the harder way.


Ginoza, who brought Shizuka into the lab, seemed very frustrated about something. For someone who was usually quite composed, he was now evidently upset.

"When you are done with her, send me her file," he barked at Shion, referring to Shizuka, but refusing to speak directly to his partner.

"Gino-kun..." Shion was surprised by his display of fury. He usually had much better control.

Shizuka rolled her eyes, arms crossed over her chest. She cocked her head.

"Where are your manners, Nobuchika?" she asked, getting at the examination seat, used to the routine at that point. "You should at least bid Karanomori a good morning. That aside, I am right here. You can speak to me, it's not forbidden."

Ginoza, whose attention was now fully aimed at Shizuka, exploded in pure anger. He slammed his hands in the handles of her chair, digging his fingers into the leather surface.
"It's not forbidden, but you are contagious. Moreover, you are hazardous to me. So, I won't speak to you unless I absolutely have to, you insolent fool."

That statement seemed to surprise Shion more than it surprised Shizuka. Inspector Akibara remained rather calm.

"Well, since your official duty calls that you check up on me for Kasei, I will let you know how my exam went," she said, consciously provoking the additional tide of his boiling rage. Even Shion felt Shizuka should keep her mouth shut, but Shepherd Two refused to back down. Gino's lip twitched.

"I will choose my manner of doing things, Akibara. You, for once, do as you are told, or you will force my hand."

She raised her eyebrow.

"Your powerful hand, backed up by Sibyl? What will you do... fire me?" she went even further. He was struggling to breathe normally. Shizuka's eyes were like daggers. Nobuchika's knuckles were turning white on those grips. Shion was intrigued by how close Gino got to Aki-chan. He never actually came that close to her before, at least, not in front of other people. There was something awfully intimate in the way they were facing each other.

"Inspectors, please... whatever the problem is, I am sure you two can talk it out. Whatever happened..." Karanomori started talking in her relaxed manner, but Gino snapped at her as well.

"Mind your own business for once, Karanomori!" he burst, turning towards the analyst.

"My, my... you are so rude today, Gino-kun," Shion took a step away from her seat, and helped Shizuka with the helmet.

"It's inspector Ginoza to you. To both of you," he angrily stated. He fixed his tie, and then slightly moved his glasses back on his nose.

"Sure thing, Ginoza-senpai," Shizuka mocked Gino, who glared at her for her immature, petty remark. She reminded him of Sasayama. Shion sighed. Ginoza's attention was back on the analyst again.

"Send me her results the moment you get them."

He turned on his heel, his long coat flowing behind him as he walked through the door, not looking at either of two women. When he left, Shizuka clenched her fist, waiting for results.

"What was that about, Aki-chan?" Shion asked. "I hope he's not like that because of what happened on the last case."

Shizuka shook her head.

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