Part 30 : Persona Non Grata (lemon)

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PART 30 – Persona Non Grata

Dominator Portable Psychological Diagnosis and Suppression System has been activated. User authentication: Inspector Akibara Shizuka. Affiliation: Public Safety Bureau, Criminal Investigation Department. Dominator usage approval confirmed. You are a valid user.

"Not quite who you were expecting? I know. I did my best to keep it a surprise," he winked, putting his hands on his suit to fix it up. He had irritating, gallant moves that weren't supposed to suit a killer. He had a face of a gentleman... not of a butcher.

Shizuka aimed at him. Her heart was racing... her pulse quickening...

Enforcement mode: Non-Lethal Paralyzer. Not a target for an enforcement action. The trigger will be locked.

The coefficient was too low. Shizuka tried to forcefully pull the trigger, but it didn't do anything. Her hands started trembling.

"I bet that was a surprise too," he grinned, rushing towards her. He hit her so hard it knocked her Dominator down, and almost brought her to her knees.

"And yet, despite my flawless hue... CID still considers me to be Persona Non Grata. How can that be, when I am such a model citizen? Maybe you should check out your toy, Inspector... that, AND your system. You may find it's not so perfect as it seems."

She wasn't ready for him. She thought she was. But, those weren't just any Silat moves... those were Pencak Silat moves. The most dangerous, most prominent form of Silat that many under Sibyl wouldn't even try to master. And he was a master.

She pressed the button on the ring on her index finger, enabling the coordinates... because she knew she was no match for him.

------- somewhere between then and now------

"Still angry?" Kogami asked, quitting the fifteen minute nap he usually had when he wanted to rest from his hectic thoughts. He was up to talking. Shizuka... not so much.

"Fuck you," she responded lazily, too tired to make the smallest move.

"Another invitation? One would think that three times in a row would be good enough... but you are insatiable, Inspector," he smiled.

"I hate you. You know that, right?" she asked, softly caressing his shaggy hair. He still wasn't opening his eyes, he was enjoying the warmth of her skin a moment longer instead.

He was inhaling her scent, and listening to the beating of her heart. Her hand always felt so small in his own. He squeezed it harder. His lips found her neck again, brushing against her sensitive spot.

"As long as you still feel for me... I don't care which feeling it is," he stated.

Hate... love... anger... he could take it all. But not her indifference. Not if she didn't feel anything. That's why he had to make her feel what he was feeling. With his body, if not his words. It was much easier being physical... than being verbal. At least... when it came to phrasing his emotions.

"It's me who's supposed to say that," she gasped, getting aroused anew by the smallest of his touches. That's how good he's become. That's why the training... that started as legitimate fight for life... where she even 'escaped', to simulate him as a real threat... ended up with him overpowering her, and kissing her so violently that her jaw started to hurt.

He did show her exactly what kind of mind that killer had to have... the movements he'd probably make... the force he'd probably use... but that simulation wasn't really going to work in the first place, because she couldn't keep it up. Because it was Shinya, and not some psychopath she had to fight for life.

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