Part 17 : Subconscious Drive

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PART 17 - Subconscious Drive

The sound of doorbell woke her up just when she was about to fall asleep. She groaned, hoping the sound would stop, for she didn't want to leave the warmth of her bed. Irritated, she checked the time on her wristwatch. She also looked through the device. She didn't get any new calls, messages, or files, meaning this probably wasn't the bureau. Unless... there was some kind of immediate precedent... but those situations were rare.

Whoever was in front of her door, refused to leave. She involuntarily put on her bathrobe, stepped into slippers next to her bed and walked towards the sound. Her vision was a bit blurry, her head was still dizzy, but she was getting fully awake. She dragged her feet towards the door, cursing her visitor.

Only two people would come this late. One of them was Mio, who occasionally dropped by after her second shift. However, she would announce she was coming.

The other person... was the one she absolutely didn't want to see, especially after the last conversation they had. Despite of it, she opened the door, not wanting to seem like a coward to him. She prepared her best neutral, professional expression, disliking how they ended things earlier that night.

He wasn't wearing his glasses. His shirt was half-unbuttoned, which was unusual for him. His face was red, as if he was drinking, but she knew that wasn't possible. He would never jeopardize his specter that way. It was her flaw.

She had to inhale deeply, to prepare herself for conversation with him.

"If you are here to apologize..." she started, but he interrupted her.

"Apologize for what?" he asked, his tone completely devoid of regret. She couldn't believe he decided to behave that way.

"You really have some nerve, coming this late just to continue arguing."

"I'm not here to argue," Gino stated, approaching her.

"You want me to ask, don't you?" she said, backing down. He entered her apartment, closing the door behind. "You want me to ask why you are here. Well, I won't, so just tell me."

She refused to give him satisfaction of asking. He'll have to say it himself.

"There's no need. Akibara... you already know my reason," he boldly stated. She couldn't believe he actually said it.

"Nobuchika... it's not even funny at this point. Let's just... stop behaving like children. I don't know what's the point behind this behavior of yours. I am back with Kou..."

"Are you, though?" he asked. He enclosed her against the door.

"Don't make me kick you out," she said. She froze when he lowered his head down.

"Oh, but you want me here... don't you?"

"Nobuchika, stop," she whispered, turning her head when his lips got too close to hers.

"Stop me, then."

His breath warmed her neck. She gasped, feeling his figure against hers.

"You wouldn't dare," she whispered, calming her breath. He smiled. It wasn't an honest smile, it was scornful.

His tongue traced her neck. She tried to push him away, but he grabbed her wrists, slamming them against the door. Her heart threatened to jump out.



His lips covered hers. His kiss was invasive, shameless, forceful. It was filled with lust.

His hand unwrapped the belt on her robe. He opened it, letting the robe slide down on the floor. He touched her breast over the thin fabric of her gown. His fingers felt like cage. They were equally raw as his kisses.

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