Part 39 : Until Further Notice

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PART 39 – Until Further Notice

"What did you say?!" Mio was so surprised she almost chocked on the sip of her fruity cocktail. Shizuka had to remind herself of the fact that her younger sister wasn't a virgin anymore, but a mature woman, and moreover, a mother of two. She could handle conversations like these.

"We almost slept together," Shizuka uttered again, taking a sip of blueberry mojito herself. Flashes of Gino from that night rushed in front of her eyes, making her face red. She was still so ashamed... and still so frustrated about him she threatened to explode like a bomb at any time.

"What do you mean 'ALMOST'?" Mio low-key loved the whole drama.

"Mio, you know what it means. We were on the verge of going... all the way."

Mio whistled.

"All? So, did you see his..."

"Really, is that all you can ask about?" Shizuka had enough of teasing.

"Well, given how insecure he generally is, he must be smaller in size comparing to Shinya."

She grinned.

"Hey. Reverse psychology doesn't work on me, you won't get any info on anyone's size."

Shizuka was irritated. She didn't want to compare them. But, they were close in size. Gino was probably even a bit bigger, since he was taller, but she couldn't really take measurements. That aside, who cares. Confidence was all that counted.

"Everyone can tell Shinya is big. Come on," Mio laughed. She was such a ray of sunshine. Annoying, but still the sunshine.

"I told you that almost a decade ago and I still regret it. No more info on sizes!" Shizuka repeated, glaring at Mio. Her sister smiled.

"Well, at least tell me... how was Nobubu, then? Rough? Clumsy? Edgy? Hungry? Did he cry? Did he make weird noises? What exactly went wrong? Was he just so bad that you couldn't..."

"No, he wasn't bad, and that wasn't the reason we didn't do it!" Shizuka snapped. "We would have done it fully if he hadn't suddenly decided that he can't sleep with Shinya's RUINED goods."

It was harder to talk about it than she thought. Mio's next sip was a large one.

"Damn, that hard-ass. Instead of using the opportunity when you finally had your guard down. I mean... no offence. I sometimes really want to slap him to get him to his senses."

"I did slap him once, his glasses fell off. And, guess what? It didn't work," Shizuka added more drink to her glass, thinking how she should have slapped him even harder.

"What does he want anyway? Some virgin with zero experience, such as himself? A 1000% virgin? If you ask me, it's fucking overrated."

"No... he just doesn't want Shinya's girl."

And maybe it was high time to never reconsider him again. Not even as a friend.

"Well, too bad you have a past with the best man one could find. Nobu's envy is just over the top."

"No, it's understandable, actually. I just regret... that I almost gave in."

Mio smiled. It was so like Shizuka to get so worked up over something that didn't even happen.

"When I first heard you transferred, I knew something made you do it. I also knew it had something to do with Nobubu, or you wouldn't switch to the mechanical department. You love being Inspector. An engineer... not so much in comparison."

Shizuka was miserable because of it.

"I am developing a new tool for the police, so it's not all that bad. It's exciting, even. And that aside, I am working with Sayomi."

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