Part 40 : Small Comfort

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PART 40 – Small Comfort

---------- not so long ago ---------

"Gather around, everyone," Ginoza entered the office and demanded Division One's full attention. Kunizuka closed the tab she was checking prior Ginoza's arrival, Kagari put his feet down from the chair he was using for support. Masaoka straightened up in front of his computer... but Kogami's posture was exactly how it was when Gino entered the office. Shinya relaxed, but also cautious. He was the first one to pick up that something was going to change. His eyes kept switching to Shizuka's empty seat... and back to Ginoza.

Always the first one to catch up on details, Gino thought. Sometimes, it was so frustrating.

"Akibara Shizuka will be temporarily transferred to the mechanical department. This request was of her own volition."

All eyes remained fixed on Ginoza. Masaoka was worried, Gino could tell.

"What?!" Kagari displayed his disbelief through long dissatisfied sound. "Come on."

Kunizuka looked at Ginoza, at Shizuka's seat... and then at at Shinya.

"Since there's no need for a replacement as of now, given how the crime rate recently dropped... I will not be asking for another Shephard. At least, not for now. However, if the demand rises... it will be obligatory to replace Akibara," Ginoza kept his rendition, clarifying the situation to the squad. Then, a single word came, much to everyone's surprise. And that word was...


Masaoka turned to Shinya, evidently surprised by how young Enforcer was talking to his Inspector.

"I beg your pardon?" Ginoza turned his sharp look towards his former friend, giving him the opportunity to take that exclamation back and apologize.

"What was her reason to transfer to mechanical?" Kogami rose from his seat. "An Inspector who fought so hard to get back from the rehabilitation center. Who gave her all to get back to the job she loves the most. What's the reason behind her leaving?"

Ginoza gritted his teeth.

"Know your place, Hound. It's none of your business to demand to know the reason behind Inspector's departure, isn't it?"

"Even if that's the case, Shizuka is not only my Inspector now, isn't she?"

Kogami approached Ginoza in casual manner, but he could see the Enforcer was furious. Rarely, Shinya displayed his emotions to the level where others could tell what he was feeling. But, this time, it was evident to everyone. Masaoka lift up from his seat.

Kunizuka and Kagari exchanged looks.

"Inspector Ginoza..." Masaoka's words were soft. "Can you please elaborate? Missy isn't someone who'd abruptly leave the division without explaining."

Her stuff were still at her desk. She would have at least picked them up before leaving.

"I don't owe an explanation to either one of you," Ginoza snapped at his Enforcers.

"Yes, you do," Kogami directly stood in front of Ginoza. "You do. What happened?"

"As I said... it's none of your business, Hound. Step back," Ginoza warned, stepping towards Shinya to demonstrate he wasn't afraid by his advancement.

"Take me to her," Kogami demanded, hands casually put in the pocket of his black suit. "If you won't be the one to explain it, then she will."

"How dare you..."

"What did you do?" Shinya asked, his eyes fixed on Ginoza's. He knew, Gino thought. The moment he said she was about to transfer, Shinya knew he did something.

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