Part 43 : Collision (lemon)

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PART 43 – Collision

They went into his bedroom and he kept kissing her, making her hold onto him as he was invading her mouth with his tongue, over and over again.

He was right, she thought. There was no point in pretending anymore, not when he was like this. Gino was always a type who strictly controlled his looks, his mannerisms, and his general behavior - all in order to be an ideal role-model Sibyl citizen.

However, this always existed in Gino, this lingering excitement, just waiting to resurface. She could always sense something primal in Nobuchika, something raw and disturbingly exciting, even when he did a really good job of keeping it in check.

They craved one another, even when they knew it was forbidden. They didn't have a way of relieving that frustration other than to argue, to challenge one another... but now... that was about to change. And they were both terrified of it.

"Gino..." she broke the kiss, trying to think. He put his index finger on her lips.

"Say 'Kogami' once again and see what happens," he warned. They were looking at one another, exchanging intense glares.

"How can we live with ourselves... knowing..." she whispered, but Gino lowered his head down, bringing his lips towards hers. That's how. When she was this close, he could live with any mistake they made.

"You will say just about anything to stop me, won't you?"

His hand reached for the hair that was unloosened from her braid, her messy waves covering her cheek. He removed it to take a good look of her feverish expression.

"No... because I know it wouldn't work," she whispered.

"You are right. It wouldn't."

His green gaze slid down her figure. That dress, he thought. She wore it when she confessed to him. The fact that she randomly chose to wear it tonight... was a strange coincidence. Gino didn't believe in coincidences. But, this pleased him in a strange way.

It was like they came to the full circle. Circle... that he was about to tear apart.

He pulled the straps from her shoulders, making yellow fabric slide down her torso. His fingers felt cold against her warm skin. His fingers were long. He had beautiful hands.
She raised her arms per instinct to cover herself up. Gino grabbed her wrists. He knew why she still acted this way - he wasn't Shinya, and she wasn't comfortable with putting her clothes off in front of others. She had the urge to cover herself in front of anyone who wasn't Kogami. Except... Gino wasn't just anyone. He was about to became equally and fully entitled to her body... until she no longer covers herself from him... but undresses herself for him. Starting tonight.

Gino slowly pulled the rest of her dress from her hips, making it fall completely to the ground. She gasped, feeling his hands on her skin.

"You like your lace... don't you?" he asked, his eyes fixed on her underwear. She had yellow, strapless bra, and matching panties. Floral patterns, pretty, girly styled. That was so much like Shizuka, he thought. All tough outside, with her strict business attire, suits, shirts and pants... but girly on the inside, with all those vibrant colors and sexy lingerie.

"I do. What about you?" she asked, feeling his hand on her back, pushing her closer to himself.

"You can't tell?" he asked back as she put her hands against his chest. He pressed his pelvic against her body. He was getting aroused. It wasn't her underwear that excited him so... but what he couldn't see underneath. The shape of her breasts... her legs... the delicate lines that formed all over her figure... made his member stiffen. The more he was looking at her body, the worse it got.

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