Part 19 : Sense and Sensibility

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PART 19 - Sense and Sensibility

"Enforcer Masaoka Tomomi, Hound 1, requiring immediate medical assistance. We have officer down. Shepard 2 has been fatally wounded. I repeat, Shepard 2 has been fatally wounded. We need an ambulance!"

Kogami's cigarette slid from his lips, falling on the floor. He wasn't aware of this. He clenched his fists to stop the trembling, and grit his teeth in desperation. Gino froze after hearing Masaoka's voice, especially after hearing the news. His eyes widened in disbelief, and he kept staring at Masaoka's picture, projected on his wrist-com.

"Inspector!" Kunizuka barged into the office after receiving the call herself. Ginoza couldn't make a comprehensive sentence in that moment, he was still in shock. His expression was desperate as he turned to Kogami, as if his Enforcer could do something that he couldn't in given situation.

"Kunizuka... what's the nearest hospital in that area?" Kogami asked, stepping on the cigarette that fell.

"The personnel intercepted the call, they already sent the vehicle. They will be there in matter of minutes," Yayoi informed both of her colleagues.

"Damn it... she may not have minutes!" Ginoza finally snapped out of it, grabbed his coat, and put it on without buttoning it. He also grabbed the key for the bureau vehicle and headed towards the exit, walking so fast he was practically running through the corridor.

"Gino, wait!" Kogami rushed after him. After reaching him, he grabbed Inspector's arm, making him turn towards him. Gino's features were twisted in fury. The initial shock has passed, so Gino returned to his strict self, believing he must not show further weakness.

Kogami dug his fingers into his superior's sleeve.

"Let go, Enforcer," Gino said, wanting to pull his arm from Kogami's grip, but the Enforcer used his considerable strength to prove his point.

"I can't sit this through," Kogami's voice was firm. Filled with determination. His fierce eyes were threatening, he didn't even know what he'd do if Gino decided to pull his rank on him.

"I said, let go", Gino hissed.

"Don't leave me behind. Not now," Kogami obeyed, lowering his voice a bit. He hadn't sounded that desperate in a long while. Nor did he seem... so helpless.

Gino had to authorize his depart from the Bureau. As a subordinate, he couldn't move at public places without supervision. While he missed the liberty of freely moving around, Kogami rarely needed to ask for a permission to go outside. This was an extreme occasion.

Kunizuka headed towards them, not wanting to be left out either. Seeing there was still tense atmosphere between two officials, she sighed.

"She is important to us too, Ginoza-san."

Kogami was still disturbed, but he hid his nervousness behind his cold demeanor. Yayoi was standing there, calm, but unwavering.

Ginoza sighed, annoyed. "Must you two antagonize me so? I didn't intend of leaving either of you behind, idiots! Just don't fall behind."

Kogami and Kunizuka looked at each other, surprised, but relieved. Ginoza opened the main door using his credentials. He led his Enforcers down to the garage.

"Gino... thanks..." Kogami said. Two friends looked at each other. Gino averted his gaze as he explained:

"One of your Inspectors just got shot in the line of duty. You have nothing to thank me for, Enforcer. What you have to do, is to drive fast. I don't want my hue to cloud."

Gino fixed his glasses, opening the vehicle and throwing the key to Kogami. Kunizuka approached them, looking at Kogami, whose hand trembled after he caught the key. Ginoza sat, putting his seat-belt. He got impatient.

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