Part 18 : Something Comforting

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PART 18 – Something Comforting

"I can't believe he did that," Aoyanagi sighed, taking a sip of her tea.

"Maybe it wasn't his decision. I haven't talked to him yet, so I wouldn't know. But, I am still pissed. His timing is the worst," Shizuka admitted, pretty disturbed by Gino's request of choosing a candidate who'd replace her. "I mean... even if this is some kind of protocol... they could have just chosen the replacement without me. Gino didn't need me to review the list. And yet... he still left those files on my table," she pointed out, leaving the emptied coffee cup on the table.

"What if it's really Kasei's idea?" Risa debated. "What if Gino doesn't like it any more than you do?"

Shizuka frowned. "Seems unlikely."

"Well... I am sorry you are in such a position. For what it's worth... I will gladly have you back in Division 2. I miss you as fellow Balto."

Shizuka smiled. She worked as Balto 2 in Division 2 before she got transferred to Mechanical department.

"I hear Shisui Mizue is doing a good job. You don't need me back, she is capable enough," Shizuka never met the girl, but heard she was adequate new partner to Risa.

"She is," Risa nodded, "but, her crime coefficient is high for an Inspector. Her self-confidence, regrettably, suffers for it. Sometimes... if not all the time... I wish she had more self-assurance. More resilience. Like you," Risa pointed her teaspoon at Shizuka.

"Risa... all my hue oscillations happen due to my own insecurity."

"Oh, please, Shizuka... the only thing you are uncertain of is this situation between Nobuchika, Shinya and you. Regarding everything else, especially your job... you are quite confident. Correct me if I'm wrong."

Shizuka smiled. "So confident it caused Gino to search for a replacement."

Risa added some honey into her tea. "Maybe it wasn't him. You two should talk it through today. Don't wait for the time to pass, ask him after he gets back from Kasei's office. And... whatever the motive for finding another candidate... you just need to protect your hue and there won't be a reason for them to replace you at all."

Shizuka sighed. "That's what Shinya said too."

"And Shinya is right. Try to be ready for anything. You had your share of violence, of blood and death; you must be used to it by now. That aside, don't let the anger, insecurity or rage cloud your hue, for it would be the most stupid catalyzer of all of them to bring you down. Don't let something so trivial affect your Psycho Pass. Fight it."

"I will certainly try," Shizuka promised. "I will give my best. Thanks for the support, Risa. It means the world to me."

Beautiful inspector smiled at the girl.

"As for Gino... he will hear me out," Aoyanagi said.

"No. I don't want him to think I need protector from him... I am not afraid of him. I will face him on my own. I just needed to vent this out, and now when I did... I will settle this with Gino on my terms."

Shizuka loved being in Risa's presence, her former partner calmed her down.

"Suit yourself. But, in case you need help... you can always count on me."

Shizuka rose from her seat, hugging Risa. "I know. I am most grateful. Thank you for always being so supportive."


Just when Akibara got back to the office, Kunizuka picked a signal in one of the areas in the city.

"A scanner picked a troublesome Psycho Pass. This is the third day its owner refuses to take therapy. The value has risen again, he has started disturbing others."

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