Part 24 : The Oracle's Verdict

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PART 24 - The Oracle's Verdict

Kogami was aware of everyone's glances when he walked into the office that morning. They knew he came with Shizuka, but no one asked any questions. They just greeted him, per usual. There wasn't even any teasing from Kagari. For some reason, the atmosphere was too gloomy for any kind of comedic relief.

Shinya took his seat, worrying about the meeting. Shizuka and Nobuchika will both have problems for taking him out of the bureau, even with arguably valid reasons.

There was one thing he couldn't get out of his head. That gun-shot could be fatal. He will never forget the risk she took by firing that shot... and how he almost lost her because of it. The rules were simple. Enforcers were supposed to do the hard work. Not Inspectors. The structure behind the system was to protect those capable.

He needed to be more obedient to the System. He needed to follow all commands without questioning, like a real dog. When the Dominator says shoot, you shoot. It's a lesson he had to learn the harder way. But, it will keep her alive. If he shoots in her stead... if he gets stronger... then she won't have to. And he'll do anything to keep her not only alive... but also by his side. If he can.

"Damn, they are really taking their time in there," Kagari stated, thinking how, since both of their Inspectors were absent, their new case was put on hold. And the time was running out. Which meant he will probably have to work overtime, and he didn't like it at all.

"What do we have?" Kogami asked. He needed to switch focus from worrying about both Gino and Akibara, and put his mind into something where it could be of some use. The new case seemed like a perfect substitute topic.

"You will recognize the first victim," Kagari sent the available data to Kogami. "We got that case some time ago, it was never solved. The other two are new victims, which means we can treat this guy as a serial killer now."

"Those are rare at this time and age. Is it the same modus operandi?" Kogami asked.

"You bet. His targets are... specific," Kagari responded.

Kogami received the file and opened it on his wrist-com. The files were really disturbing, and Kogami remembered the first victim. Kimura Yuya. A face he couldn't forget even if he tried. Too beautiful, yet too mutilated, with a grimace of despair, frozen in death.

What are you seeing now?

She was a psychology student. She was attractive, smart girl with a really clear Psycho-Pass. A real mental beauty. Which made her a perfect victim for some deranged mind, unfit for the society.

Kogami wondered when another mutilated girl would appear. He called on it a long time ago. Ginoza claimed she would be a singular case, knowing how risky it would be for killer to repeat such a crime under Sibyl. His friend claimed Kogami saw serial killers all around after the Specimen Case and advised him to get psychiatric help.

However, Shizuka, who was still angry with Kogami at that time, still agreed that the case wouldn't end with Kimura as the last victim, and that was a thing they agreed on.

Kogami wasn't glad to be right, but he presumed the killer would return. Kimura was raped, then horribly tortured; she was brutally mutilated while still alive. Her whole body was bruised, her arms cut off, as well as her feet. As if the killer wanted to say...

There's nowhere to run.

Her lifeless body was found tied to the chair... with a barb-wire, no less. It was found in an abandoned garage. Her eyes were gouged out... leaving deep, empty holes in her twisted, horrid expression... and her tongue was violently pulled out. There was that message next to her body, written by her own blood. What are you seeing now?

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