Part 21 : Resisting

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PART 21 - Resisting

Masaoka took a sip of whiskey, disrupting ice cubes at the bottom of the glass. Kunizuka and Kagari were with Shion in the laboratory. Ginoza just returned from the meeting with Kasei, looking angry.

He didn't say anything as he approached his desk, leaving another case to read about, burying himself into even more work.

"Inspector Ginoza?"

"What do you want, Enforcer Masaoka?" he impatiently responded.

"I was just wondering how your meeting with Chief Kasei went."

Masaoka drank the rest of his whiskey off, putting the glass away. Ginoza glared at him.

"That's none of your business."

He tried to read the file, but he wasn't able to concentrate. Shizuka's empty chair bothered him more than he wanted to admit. He was thinking about her, horrified with the fact that he almost lost her. He was wondering how he'd be able to live with himself... should something happened. He did leave that folder on her desk. They didn't even have the time to discuss that. She probably thought he made her chose a candidate of his own volition. She'd died hating him. Never forgiving him. And it ate him on the inside.

Masaoka could instantly tell what Ginoza was thinking about.

"Nobuchika... she will be alright. She is tough girl, your Shizuka."

He meant well. Even Gino could deduce that much from his concern. But, his phrasing only made Ginoza more angry.

"She isn't my girl. Mind your words."

Tomomi apologetically smiled.

"I didn't mean to offend. I merely thought she was your friend."

Ginoza started despising that word. Friend. With each day, he despised it more and more when it came to her. Masaoka added:

"It's not like I wanted to provoke you or anything."

"Funny... you say you didn't want to provoke me, and yet you call her mine when you know that she is back with Kogami."

Masaoka touched his metal arm, stretching the brace a bit. It was still broken from bullets that almost shot his superior Inspector.

"If you were more honest with both of them... everything would be different now. Maybe she would have chosen you. But, it seems it's not even them you can't be honest with, Nobuchika... but yourself."

"Here's what I can be honest about. He is like a son you never had. You two are more close than you and I will ever be. It's only natural you'd back him up regarding Shizuka."

"I don't have to back either of you up. You have a pretty good chance with that girl, you just don't know it yet."

Ginoza was moved by his words. For a moment.

"It's not the time to play concerned father now."

"Because I am not concerned. You need more confidence, and that's all. I won't meddle, I love you both... but, you are my son, not Shinya. And Shizuka is definitely someone I would love to see by your side one day. I am sure Sae... and Hana... felt the same."

Ginoza put the documents away. He couldn't deal with them.

"Why haven't you still visited her in the hospital?" Tomomi was curious. "I am sure she would be glad to see you."

"She will see me in the office," Gino nervously retorted, annoyed by his questions.

"Is it... because you are afraid of her reaction? Or... because Kogami is with her?"

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