Part 34 : Automatic Reaction

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PART 34 – Automatic Reaction

"Given how mentally unstable individual killed and tortured six women because they were able to progressively quickly heal their hues... is it even recommended to try and practice escapism as a form of treating Psycho-Pass?"

The reporter was eager to hear Yamano's response.

Ryougo was dealing with the aftermath of that case quite well... defending the MWPSB from the heat.

"Like any form of therapy, escapism is just a tool. Much like a pharmaceutical suppressant, or any other form of psycho-therapy, escapism is a way to stabilize the general condition," Ryougo responded in serious tone. "Therefore, those capable can, and should use it as a form of treating psycho-passes."

"Those capable," the reporter clung to these words. "The general public still debates whether the ideology of Escapist-killer was completely wrong or not. Surprisingly, great number of people said they would never even try escapism... not because they were afraid they wouldn't be imaginative enough, but because of all the side-effects. Insomnia... reality-altering illusions... excessive daydreaming that could lead to catatonia. Detaching from reality leads to degradation of mental states just as much as it helps."

Mercurial method. Dangerous one. Helpful and lethal at the same time. Debates about escapism were still a huge thing. It seemed they will be filling the main headlines of news for some time. All the media platforms kept bringing that case up, people were intrigued in more than one way with the Escapist-killer. Not only because of his IVT, but also because of the fact he was able to avoid getting caught for so long. The story was... that he used hyper-suppressants. That he was an anomaly. Not one statement from Kasei ever included info about the accomplice from technological department... because MWPSB didn't want to give any ideas to new criminals. All the released data was carefully handled by the Chief. Gore details were kept from the public as well.

Shizuka sighed, looking at the TV.

"Everyone should use escapism if that helps their state, or if they meet certain criteria."

"Would you say those capable are blessed by the system? Loved by the Sibyl for that unusual capacity?"

Ryougo took a few seconds to respond.

"No. Escapist do have different psychological settings, but they aren't privileged because of it. On the contrary. Furthermore, I firmly believe the Sibyl system is unbiased. In the eyes of Sibyl, mental health is the most important. Manner which leads to hue-recovery isn't important, it's the final result that is. Of course, I am speaking about legal ways. Anything illegal should be punished accordingly, because, under this system, everyone's hue matters. Now more than ever, criminal minds should be stopped, and put into rehabilitation. Clear hues are of the biggest value of our wonderful society, and we should do everything to protect them. The MWPSB has done a wonderful job so far.

Shizuka smiled, looking at her brother-in-law. Ryougo was really fit to be a politician. He had way with words; he could sway people's hearts. Now more than ever, he was protecting MWPSB. It was good to have a minister back them up after that fiasco.

Her wristcom rung and Shizuka received the call.

"Are you watching?" Mio was so enthusiastic.

"Of course," Shizuka responded. "I am glad he is supporting the work of the bureau."

"He is determined to help," Mio was happy that her husband was finally on the same page with her sister. "What are you doing tonight? Do you have any plans?"

Shizuka actually thought about going to see how Gino was doing. She was planning it for a while... she just didn't have enough courage to actually go to his door and try to speak to him. She didn't want another conflict to damage their states.

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