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"leave me alone" she shuddered as he took another step towards her.

He stopped and sighed looking at her .

"This.... I've got this for us" he said as he shoved some papers on the bed infront of her........ She looked at him startled as she took the papers in her hand.

"What is this?"

"Divorce papers"

"What if I don't sign it" she asked smirking.

"You have to or else.."

"Or else what?" She raised her voice while taking another step towards him.

"You don't get it do you? " He said rolling his eyes at her.

"You very well know we will never be a real couple again, so this is better decision" he leaned back on his seat looking at her .

"So we will be divorcing each other after 6months of marriage?" She questioned as she went through the papers.
He nodded his head in agreement .

"And why so?" She asked in a low tone.

"You mean nothing to me and vise versa so yeah" he replied shrugging his shoulder.

"Only if you knew what you mean for me" both said to themselves in their mind.

She's had enough. Tears were starting to prick her eyes but she didn't let them fall.
He refrained himself from looking at her.....
He felt so sad. Despite the fact he had moved on, seeing her obviously brought back some sparks. Despite their flaws
they were a great team when they were together and in love.

"Why are you marrying me?" He asked with a pointed look.

"I can ask the same question to you" she said with a faint smile.

"I can't deny my family's decision" he said in disbelief.

"Me too" she whispered looking away from him.

"Please leave" she held back her tears but her voice made it clear that she was on the verge of crying.
He closed his eyes tightly to hold back his tears and much he loved her but she betrayed him...But As time passed by he forgot the harsh and bitter part , what remained were only the good memories.

"You know what..... I regret loving you" she snapped angrily .

"I hate you so much" he snapped back before leaving.

" I guess the funny thing is people use these words soul mate, lines as-"we love once". It's so negative....I loved him so much and I still do even after 3years of falling apart I couldn't seperate myself from him but he broke my trust and how" She thought wiping her tears.

Everything was going smoothly,as they expected but one thunder came one day unexpectedly and blown their sweet relationship and that thunder was not of any cloud.That thunder was of own misunderstandings,doubts,no importance and fading love.

Now years later they met again but in totally different circumstances, and the question is what has fate got in the store for these two ?

Heyy y'all ,

Hope you are doing well.

I 'm overwhelmed seeing the love you are showering on my previous book. Honestly, I doubted on whether anyone would read my book. But, I 'm truly grateful to everyone of you for having loved my book. Thankyou.

So here's the prologue of my new book "it's always been you"
Have left some hints, hope you understand the plot!!!
Will update character sketch and first chapter tomorrow !!

Feel free to criticize and dm me if you have any doubt :-P

Sending loads of virtual hugs and kisses your way ❤️

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