Chapter 17

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No proof reading so please bear with the mistakes !

"Dadi ji apne bulaya" sana asked as she nervously stood at the door of the dadi's room.

"Yes beta come " dadi ji smiled warmly keeping the book which she was reading on the night stand.

"Sit here" sana smiled as she sat beside dadi on the bed.

"How are you beta"

"I'm..fine " she replied nervously

"Aur Sidharth wo thik hai na"

"Ji he's fine too"

"Beta don't take me wrong but I've observed the tension between you both...sab thik hai na? Is he treating you right?" Dadi ji asked in a worried way

"Sab thik hai dadi , he's treating me well aap tension mat lo" sana leaned forward keeping her hand on dadi's hand in assurance.

"He's a broken soul if he hurts you in anyway then please understand him" dadi ji muttered as tears breamed in her eyes.

"It's me who's hurting him dadi ji not him" she said softly.

"Nahi beta it's between you two but I'm worried about his anger, he has a serious anger issues" dadi said. She took a deep breath and then stopped

"He has become more calm now dadi ji" sana said trying to make her feel better.
Dadi ji twisted her mouth to the side, as if she was still not sure about the approach she was going to take with sana.

'When Sidharth came back home from Mumbai ,after living there for more than 5 years, he was different. It wasn't just him returning back to settle here. It was something else even then, I knew something was not right. He was so quiet and sad , like he always said he missed mumbai But I know now, it wasn't just the place he was thinking of. You see he changed. Yes he was always serious before, but not this serious and resentful. As if he hated the world" Her words trailed off and left an empty space between them.

"he just seemed to be lost , sad, so sad......I couldn't bare it, It didn't matter what we said, he just closed himself off from everyone. Even his mom couldn't reach him" she continued

Sana thought of that Sidharth , the one who lived with her laughing and flirting with her shamelessly. The one who proposed her. The one who made love to her for the first time, the one who knelt down in front of her and made all those unspoken promises. The Sidharth who always tucked her hands into his jacket, around his waist, to warm her up. The Sidharth who would walk on the beach with her , The guy who would always grab her hand, look up at her with those sexy pleading eyes and try to urge her to stay for a little while longer.

And now when she looked at him he's not a same Siddharth anymore. Where is that happy soul gone? Where is that funny guy gone? Did our breakup hurt him so much ? Why did you go Siddharth? Her eyes filled with tears too when she recalled everything.
She couldnt make herself look into dadi's eyes, whatever he's today is Because of me? Will I ever let myself tell dadi it was me in his past? She thought.

"Dadi.." sana couldn't speak as she looked at dadi lost in her own thoughts. She got her grandson back but he wasn't the guy that had left her.

"Never leave him sana beta please"

"I promise"

"I promise I'll bring back the happiness in his life" she held her hand tightly

"Now give me a big smile" she said wiping the tears from dadi's face

"I'm sure you'll make everything right" she smiled sheepishly looking at sana.

"Abhi to mujhe mere pota poti dekhne hai" she winked at sana and laughed with her.

"Aap bhi na...hamne nahi socha abhi tak" she replied shyly

"Aisehi haste raho beta, apna aur Sidharth ka dhyan rakhna" she creased sana's hair softly looking at her with glossy eyes.

"Don't worry , you should take care of yourself too" she replied placing her head on dadi's lap.


Sidharth closed his eyes as he laid on his bed, the last night had been pretty uncomfortable as he slept on the sofa. Sure he loved cuddling with her. It all happened so quickly that Sidharth didn't realize how much his life had changed now. Also, his back ached from sleeping on the sofa. He glanced at the clock hanging in front the wall and With a groan he got down from the bed and walked in search of his wife. She had been gone for almost 2 hours and they had to leave for Mumbai soon.

Siddharth did not wait anymore second as he walked to dadi's bedroom and Walked into it as he always did, dadi never seemed to mind him but it looked like today she did.

"Shush... Quietly. My daughter in law is sleeping." She Whisper yelled at Sidharth as she stroked sana's long soft hair gently.

"Its getting late dadi" Sidharth said her in bewilderment, as he watched sana sleeping peacefully on dadi's lap.

"She asked me if she could sleep on my lap. And I agreed." Dadi ji smiled lovingly as she watched sana, Who looked just like a baby in her sleep.

"I always wanted a daughter just like her." Dadi smiled gleefully,

"Let her sleep" dadi ji chuckled as she continued," It's just that she has gone through so much from just a small age and all she requires is love. She's very good girl Sidharth"

"And you are very lucky to have her" she smiled at him teasingly. Before he could say anything sana woke up with a jerk

"Wht happened sana are you alright" she asked slightly worried , sana shook her head with a smile.

"I heard voice and couldn't sleep anymore" she smiled sheepishly as she set her hair

"We're getting late sana" Sidharth cut them in between.

"Oh I'm... I'm sorry I don't know when I slept" she murmured getting up from the bed

"That's alright" he smiled at sana as he approached to his dadi

"You have to take care of yourself and take medicine time to time" he said taking dadi's hand in his

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine"
"Take care of her" she mumbled in his ear giving him a warm hug.
He chuckled slightly humming in response.

"We will leave in an hour," he said walking into the room before she could even ask anything.

"Did you pack everything Sidharth" she asked

"I guess I did, if we need anything we will buy there"

"I don't have habit of doing it on my own, badi ma (chachi)usually packed the bags for most of my journeys when I was small" he clarified smiling and shaking his head. Just a second before he stayed still as he understood what he said. His eyes became hard and emotionless as if thinking about the memories or time made him feel some sought of deep pain.

She saw how the look of horror crossed his face when he comprehended what he said. She had seen how chachi behaved with him but she never got to know the reason. She could understand that the topic was sensitive to him but she didn't know the reason why? None of the family ever tried to mention about it.

"Sidharth" she placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Everything will be fine" she whispered hugging him gently.

" I hope so" he whispered back hiding his face in her long soft hair inhaling in her scent.

"You told we're getting late and you're not ready yet" she pouted looking at him changing the topic.

"it will take five minutes for me to get ready, you will take more time" he smirked looking at her.

"Hm we'll see that" she smiled in disbelief breaking the hug.

"Get ready fast" he yelled as She walked inside the washroom.

After an hour both of them settled their bags in the car and were ready to leave for the airport. She took a heavy sigh before pushing herself further on the seat closing her eyes.

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