Chapter 11

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"why won't she miss him ?afterall she loves him....she betrayed me for this guy and wow they're together was starting to forget it all but again the same damn thing.....why this happens only with me god....I was starting to trust her...fall for her.... everything would be good between us but this guy...again came in between us.....she misses him when I thought she still loves me...... okay now I understand the reason she regret the kiss , how naive of me to forget the past and the way she broke me???"

"I hate her" he shouted punching on the steering wheel.

Shehnaaz gill's life has always been unpredictable. She knows what loss really means, she had lost both her parents when she was just eleven years old. She knows how selfish the world could be.... she has an uncle and aunt, who took her in to love her. She knows what it feels to be like an unwanted person, for she was not that unloved girl for over a 3 years now....all she craved was his love....

She heard steps coming towards the door. She knew it was him. The man Who broke her so many times.... She quickly got up wiping her tears walked towards the closet room.

He walked inside emotionless... what was there to feel now? He was broken, By her again? But this time he blamed himself for giving chance to this relationship. how fool of me? How and why did I let her betray me again? She chosed him not me again? What is less in my love?

For the first time Sidharth noticed the changes in his bedroom. No one had ever dared to even step into his room except for cleaning but now he had been sharing his closet, dresser, bed and so many other things with her...with his wife....

Those changes were nothing compared to the big change that was gonna happen hereafter in both of their lives....he knew the arguments , fights will increase more and would never stop till the divorce....
Funnily how Sidharth could see sana in every corner of his room..their room.... Even the bathroom had started smelling like vannila and his bedroom was smelling weirdly good. He was sure that it was her perfume.
Every corner of his room was screaming her name. And it was starting to annoy him very much.

He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't notice her coming towards the dressing table....
She shoved the saree and jewellery she was wearing earlier on the sofa in front of him causing a visible mess.

"Tomorrow I'm leaving" she said combing through the hair.

"Huh? Are You talking with me?" He asked coming out of his thoughts.

"Yes, I said Tomorrow I'm leaving your house forever" she replied.
"Send me the divorce papers as soon as possible" she added nonchalantly.

"Never knew you love someone so much that you hate me this much" he uttered gloomily.

"I can't...I can't take it anymore... these constant wrong claims by you...... everything is fake you're fake... everyone just used me" tears peeked down her eyes when she spoke.

"I'm done with my life so done that I want to die" she declared wiping tears from her eyes.
He was watching her dumbfound...the way she let herself break down in front of him wasn't usual.

"You never tell what exactly bothers you" he said, softly

"I don't know anything, you just go away from my life" she said in between her sobs.

"I loved you so much were my everything.... everything but never loved me ... you're so fake"

"And you sana? You think whatever you did was always correct? How easy it is to blame me? You think I don't have anything to say now? I've so many things but this isn't the right time nor the right time will ever come"

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