Chapter 20

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No proof reading so please bear with the mistakes!

She woke up to the sound of the shower running . "Sidharth Probably getting ready for work" She stood up and walked over to the bathroom opening the door. The light from the vanity mirror threw a soft glow into the room but otherwise it was steamy and she couldn't see much. But she strolled over to the glass door and opened it instantly , the steam spilled out, she walked straight in.

Sidharth had his back to her, his arms out above his head resting against the tiles, the water washing over those muscles instantly made her mouth go dry. He's toned to perfection. With his hands and head against the wall, he looked like a model right out of a magazine.

She slided her hands around his waist placing her head against his back. His muscles tensed immediately. He turned to look at her over his shoulder. She didn't look up.

He turned to hold her , his arms around her and hers around him. And they just stood together, silently. neither of them looking at each other. In that cloudy glass tank, they were suspended in time.

He shifted his weight from foot to foot slowly and it felt like he was rocking her ever so gently. She swayed gently with him.
As she look at her reflection in the bathroom mirror behind him she was shocked with what she saw
Her lips were swollen, cheeks flushed, bed head. She looked like she had been well and truly ravished.

"Are You okay?" He asked in whisper

"Don't go today" she mumbled looking up at him.

"Baby there are meetings scheduled up...I can't cancel it" he told as he placed a kiss on her forehead

"I'll miss you" she whispered placing a kiss on his chest.

"I'll miss you too love"
As she had already slipped into the shower they took their own time in devouring each other as if last night wasn't enough for them

"When will you come back?" She asked buttoning up his shirt

"There are three meetings with clients so after that .. may be till evening"

"Okay" she mumbled tieing the tie

"Baby just 2days then I'll be free" he said with pleading eyes as he circled his both arms around her waist

"Yes then your all time is for me" she said in warning tone

"Of course , now smile my butterfly" he kissed on her cheek earning two kisses from her..

"Let's have breakfast" she pulled him with her.

"And call me anytime...just don't be scared, you're all safe my men are everywhere" he said cupping her face

"I know Sidharth" she smiled sheepishly.

"I'll leave now" he got up taking his phone in his hand after finishing breakfast with her.

"Okay" she mumbled. For the first time after marriage she wanted him to not leave her but then how could she forget they were there for work.

"Sana" he pulled her into him and kissed her. Without warning, without permission, without even deciding to do it but simply because he could not have done anything else. He needed that breath she was holding, it belonged to him and he wanted it back. He smiled when she equally responded to the kiss he let her dominate it knowing very well what she was feeling at that moment.

"Take care love" he mumbled kissing on her temple and left.
She sighed wiping a lone tear from her cheek.

"A day to go mrs Sidharth Shukla" she said to herself sinking her body on the bed.

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