Chapter 7

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"Sidharth" she whispered touching his face to confirm if its really him cuddling her.

"Hmm" he smiled at her touch

"I thought I'm dreaming" she replied shyly.

"I also thought the same so I kissed you to confirm" he said with a wink.

"You kissed me? How dare you" she glared him.

"Like this" he said and pecked her lips.

"You can't kiss me , samje" she again glared him.

"If not me then who will kiss this delicious lips of yours" he asked smirking.

"No one" she whispered with a frown.
He smirked and kissed on top of her head while caressing her hair.
Though both knew whatever was happening between them was not supposed to happen but who wouldn't like to be loved by the only person they always wished to get it from? Who would refuse it when someone cares a little more about you?
He did not remove his arms from her waist as he laid there along with her...she still hugged him burying her face in his chest....
He brought his face closer to her , cupped her cheek to make her look at him...she had her eyes closed as she assumed what was gonna happen and she wanted it too. He placed his lips on hers and sucked it softly and gently. She reciprocated with equal desire... Though it was quick and soft not passionate but it delivered their emotions well.

"I'll get ready" she said blushing and got up.
He yawned stretching his body.

It was Sunday so he was free....after spending some hours in his house gym and having breakfast, he came back to his room. She was already there doing something on her laptop. He freshened up and laid down on the bed beside her.

"You won't go today" she asked reluctantly.

"Nope it's Sunday" he said as he laid there with his eyes closed.
She hummed and continued doing her work.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked opening his eyes.
She nodded looking at him.

"That day you told you were missing someone so close to your heart and thts the reason you cried....Who was that person?' he asked hesitantly.
Though he had moved on in his life(thats what he assumes)....but thought of her crying for someone made him restless ever since that incident.

"Why ?"

"Just asked" he said shrugging his shoulder.

"Yes I was missing someone and I still do" she said gloomily.

"Whom?" He asked looking at her sad face.

"Are you jealous mr Shukla" she asked raising her eyebrows.

"Me jealous , the joke" he said Rolling his eyes.

"Yeah whatever" She laughed.

He grabbed a book from the bookshelf and laid back on his place.
Sana found herself scooting slightly closer to him which he was quick to notice. His eyes seemed to skim down her body before returning to the book.

"What are you reading?" She asked him. Sana noticed the way he moved over to allow her to have room beside him if she wanted it. Her eyes fell on the empty spot just before meeting his charcoal orbs.

"Come lie down with me and I will tell you all about it," he said.

She managed to contemplate whether or not it'd be a good idea to lay beside him. Her mind was begging her to do it-to be surrounded by his warmth and to drown in his heavenly scent. For some reason, her logic only put her in a state of not knowing if laying beside him in bed was a smart decision.

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