chapter 5

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Few weeks passed by ..... both of them stayed as away as possible from each other... sometimes they argued but then ignored each other....
For world they were a happy couple but only they knew the truth.

Living in the Shukla villa was like living in an entirely different planet. There you have few rules which is mandatory to follow. Sana who grew up with no restrictions found it hard to follow but she was getting used it.

And sana being the newest addition to the family, found it a little difficult to adjust. How do they all except her to get accustomed to the people who she had no idea of who they were until few weeks ago. It was nearly impossible but she was trying.

She was trying to be a good daughter in law of the house and Manisha chachi took it upon herself to taunt her for anything or everything. And Sidharth too wasn't a good at making her feel home, he hardly ever spends his time with her. They rarely talk and when they do, it's only arguing with each other. Nothing more or nothing less.

He was so busy that, he could not even spare a minute with her , who was he kidding with? It was of course lies. Truth is he made himself busy just so that he could stay away from her.

Coming back to home was not his favorite thing anymore. He wanted to stay away from his wife as much as he could.

He simply could not stand the sight of her. She hasn't done anything to make him hate her so much but he's just not ready to forget the past... Not ready to accept any changes.

"Hello" she said as soon as he picked up the call.

"Hmm" he replied

"Um... I need to go for shopping" she said hesitantly.

"So?" He asked rolling his eyes.

"So there is no one to come with me and your chachi strictly said not to go alone" she snapped at him angryly.

"Ohhh then go some other day I'm busy and don't call me unless there's any urgent work" he snapped back and cut the call.

She was irritated enough said.

The people in the house were so loving except chachi ji but no body was of her age...she talked to them for sometimes and then spend her entire day in the room reading book or using laptop etc.

She desperately wanted to go for shopping, she wanted to go out in the fresh air and also to buy some new sarees for her....
Chachi never missed chance to taunt her about her saree....

"Hello sana beta" mummy ji had called her for some work

"Yes mummy ji"

"Beta Sidharth has left some important documents on the dining table so if you don't mind can you go to his office and give it to him" she asked hesitantly

"Oh um okay mummy ji" she said twisting her lips.....going to his office...damn

"I'm stuck here beta isliye apko bola"

"It's ok mummy ji...but I don't know his office" she pouted.

"Driver will drop you beta don't worry" she said smiling and hung up the phone.

Damn...why me god??? She whined looking up....
She wore a floral chiffon saree with sleevless blouse......she thanked God because chachi was not home to taunt upon her blouse....wht would she do She did not bring much sarees but after coming here she got to know that all females of Shukla family were supposed to wear saree daily .....

wht would she do She did not bring much sarees but after coming here she got to know that all females of Shukla family were supposed to wear saree daily

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