chapter 10

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No proof reading so kindly ignore the mistakes :-)


"Hey Ayesha , baby how are you doing" Sidharth asked smiling widely as he soon as he joined them.

"I'm doing good but mister I'm quite mad at you. Like you got yourself married without informing me " She said with sarcasm in her voice

"I myself didn't know" He said with a laughter. Sana looked at him with anger boiling in her. That was a secret between them and he is sharing some part of it with this random girl. She looked back at Ayesha who too was laughing.

"Well, you do owe me a big time. I seriously can't believe you. You used to share everything with me and didn't share such a big news with me. "

Sana couldn't take it anymore and decided to go inside but deep down she was hoping Sidharth to stop her. To her surprise, he didn't infact he was so busy talking with her that he didn't notice that she was leaving. But as he noticed her moving he quickly put his hand on her waist. She looked at him with wide eyes though he was looking at Ayesha but inwardly he was smiling at sana.
She stood there dumbfounded looking at both of them , listening to their talk.

"You guys continue, I'll see you soon" sana said deliberately glaring sidharth.

"No infact I'll leave you guys Alone, see ya" ayesha replied with a grin and left.

"What?" She asked as soon as the girl left.
He looked around to assure people weren't looking at them. He grabbed her hand and pulled her closer.

"Now what did I do?" His voice was low enough for her to hear.

"You, you're the problem" she said while trying to get her hand free but his grip was too strong.

"She's just a friend" he said smiling at her in disbelief.

"Leave my hand" she said while tears started to stream down her cheek. She hated getting emotional in front of him.

"Never" He wiped her tears with his other hand and brought her into a hug but still not leaving her hand. She struggled to get herself free from his grip but she knew it will be of no use. Shw couldn't fight with him any longer so she rested her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes and her other hand went around his waist. He slowly let go of her hand and started stroking her hair.

"I'll go to mummy ji" she mumbled breaking the hug. He nodded placing the strand of hair behind her ear.

She took a seat next to mummy ji and shamsha aunty. Mummy ji was busy talking to this other auntie while sana was waiting for dadi to join her. She was busy talking with her groom's grandmother who was her best friend.

"I thought ayesha and Sidharth were to get married " The statement made her get back to reality.

Both the aunties were talking in a hush voice, she guessed they didn't notice sana was sitting next to them maybe because they had her back to them.

"Yeah, I was with Ayesha when she confessed that she loved Sidharth and wanted to get married to him and Sara(Siddharth's mom) also gave her approval to Ayesha's mother."

"Don't know why he married this girl"

Sana couldn't take it anymore , she quickly excused herself and went to the washroom. So many questions flashed in front of her , "is Ayesha that close to Sidharth? After we broke did...did she take my place? Did he give her my place?" She asked herself looking at her reflection in the mirror...
"But no... sidharth can never do like this...he loves me and I know that.... the cuddles , kisses care he gives aren't fake... it's pure....I trust you Sidharth" She smiled wiping tears from corner of her eyes....she touched up her makeup a bit and walked out of the washroom not before giving a big smile to herself.
while walking back to the hall where party was held she heard some laughter coming from one of the room. She followed the voice to find Sidharth talking to someone. She decided to leave him alone until she heard him again

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