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After 5 years

"Mommy loves you so much baby" sana said tickling her a year old son , Zorawar.

He stared at her then in a second he was smiling so wide that made her tickle him more , he was laughing and blabbling as if he wanted to say something

"Mommy zoro is not drinking his milk" Samaira , a four year old girl ran and jumped in the couch and sat beside sana, No doubt the girl was replica of her own mother, beautiful and innocent.

"Because he is full now sweetheart" sana answered tucking her daughter's hair properly.
Sidharth and shehnaaz had named their daughter after Samaira.

"Da..da" zoro blabbled as soon as sana picked him in her arms

"Dada also loves you so much sweetheart" she kissed on his lips softly making him giggle
He had got his beautiful eyes from his Father anyone could say he was his father's son.

"Let's get some sleep honey" she smiled holding her daughter's hand walking upstairs and zoro in her arms as he played with his favourite toy, stuffed duck.

Sana touched the blank screen of her phone with a scowl set on her face. No calls no messages the whole day. It had been two days the proud daddy of her kids was out of country on a business trip. She was not happy with him going neither was he but he had to give time to his business as well.

But what to do with stupid heart of hers? She had become accustomed to his presence in her life. It was always there. Even he was physically present or not. But sometimes feeling him through his things was too much of a toll. She needed him here. Right now with her.

She and Samaira walked to her room with zoro baby in her arms but stopped in the corridor in front of a picture. It was a picture of late dadi ji. She ran her fingers softly at the picture and missed her. She remembered the day when Zorawar was born and how happy was she was. But after exactly five months dadi ji left them with one wish to be happy always.

"Momma do you miss dadi" Samaira asked looking at her momma

"Yes honey"

"Don't forget her wish!" Mummy ji reminded her. She turned to look at her mother in law and chachi ji standing there.
She nodded her head smiling.

"Soyi nahi abhi tak beta?" Chachi ji asked sana

"Nahi, Samaira and zoro won't sleep untill their dad sing a song but sidharth's phone is off " she pouted

"Da.....Da" the baby said in excitement jumping in her arms making everyone look at him in aww

"Momma when will daddy come?" Samaira asked her face sadden as if she was about to cry

"Samaira baby tommorow dada is coming home" chachi ji replied and kissed samaira's chubby cheek , she smiled and hugged her legs.

"Duck" zoro murmured showing his toy in the air. He murmured baby words and even shouted and giggled. They laughed looking at him , duck was one of those words he had learnt recently.

"Put them to sleep beta and you also take rest now" mummy ji said caressing her face. Sana nodded smiling and left to the bedroom.

"Momaa" she said then sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Yes honey"
she combed the brown hair of her daughter and she looked replica of her own self.
She put a pretty little sleeper on zoro over his diaper and socks to match. "He is the prettiest baby ever" she just knew it. At 14 months he was prettiest smiliest baby ever. Completely different in nature.

"Dada didn't say bye bye" she snuffed and sana started rubbing small circles on her back.

"No princess daddy came to room when you and zoro baby was sleeping and gave you kisses and told me that he will bring lots of candy for you" sana said and she started jumping around screaming "yay dada"

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