A Note

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So, I've finally updated all the chapters and now we're at the end of the story *phew*. I'm super nervous and I have no idea if you guys like the pace of the story,
A sincere apology to each and every one who were waiting for my updates I'm so sorry y'all I couldn't keep my promise.

I want to sincerely thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for patiently bearing everything, my slow updates, inadequate word count. Everything. Despite all of that, you have been my constant, and there's is nothing more I can be grateful for. Every story is a journey, through which a reader and a writer come together and create a beautiful experience of storytelling. A piece of my heart will always belong to the stories I write, characters I try to bring to life and definitely the wonderful, wonderful readers.

With that, I will bid adieu today, but with the promise to come back with a new story shortly. Hope to see you all there as well.

Lots of love,


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