Chapter 25

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No proof reading so please bear with the mistakes guys !!!

Sidharth turned to avoid the bright sunlight
that was penetrating the curtains and pouring into the room. He opened his eyes and he saw sana sleeping partially on top of him..... he smiled and continued watching her sleep....

"Why are you looking at me like that" she whispered.

"i like watching you sleep... you look beautiful" she immediately dug her face in the crook of his neck.

"i probably look like a monster" she mumbled into his neck

"You look like an angel" he whispered caressing her hair

"Get ready we're leaving today" he said gently pressing her arms , he assumed would be paining due to last night.

"Leaving? Where?" She asked surprised

"We're going back our home "

"What no way...we were supposed to be here for a week or so it's only been 2 days" she frowned sitting up on the bed

"I know but last night when you were asleep dad called me and asked to get back home .. I've some important meetings to attend there , at the same time they're concerned about our safety sana"

"And you said we are safe will again be busy in the work Sidharth you will have no time for me" she said extremely annoyed

"I will try to get time for us sana try to understand" he pleaded

"Okay fine" she muttered grabbing the towel and went inside the washroom

"God I'll have to deal with her anger now but I'm helpless baby" he mumbled looking at the closed door of bathroom.

Putting on some clothes he walked inside the kitchen to prepare a breakfast for her to make it upto her and then they would leave

He prepared some sandwiches and coffee for them....he also wanted to spend some more alone time with her, only them and no one else but looking at the current phase in their company it was impossible for him to take holidays , he knew she would get lonely in the house and she only had dadi to spend time with her but he expected her to understand him at that moment.

"When it's all done I'll take her to a good long honeymoon" he mumbled pouring coffee in the mugs

When he walked inside the bedroom she was already ready in the clad red saree with golden blouse looking like a new bride.

"I've packed our stuff we can leave anytime" she said as soon as she saw him
Coming with tray in his hands

"Okay come here let's have breakfast" he held her hand and made her sit on the sofa and sat beside her.
She didn't bother to say anything just grabbed one of the sandwiches and started eating it

"Try to understand me sana" he spoke

"And when will you try to understand me?" She snapped angryly

"Just some more days love then we'll come back here or somewhere for a long holidays"

"It's not about that's just I wanted to spend some alone time with you...we've just found our ways to each other again so all I want is your time...when we'll go back home you'll be so busy you won't have time to glance at me nor talk to me"

"Do you think I want to stay away from you but now our company needs me sana"

"I said okay then stop this topic now" she said

"Don't spoil your mood love please" he cupped her face and kissed her forehead.

It was around midday, when the pilot announced their arrival at the airport. They were back in the private jet the flight back was silent as he worked on some of the files while she enjoyed the view of clouds. "Afternoons were probably the worst time to arrive" he thought. The large glass windows of the airport allowed the summer heat to reftect off the glossy brown tiles....
They looked like newly married couple coming back from the honeymoon. She looked so royal in that red saree and he looked devilishly handsome in that black and white tuxedo. Their faces were glowing so much
When they entered the house it looked like they all were already waiting for them , they all looked slightly worried

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