Chapter 29

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Ignore the errors !

Sana's uncle heard the bell rang. he went near the door and opened it. he was shocked to see Sidharth standing there.....

"Uhmm , can I come in?" He asked, a bit hesitant . He wasn't sure if sana had told them why she came here.... If she did then he was in deep trouble. Maybe he would also get few kicks and punches here and there. He deserved it though , he thought

"Yeah of course, please come in, I was just shocked to see you suddenly. Sana didn't tell me that you are coming. So how are you?" Uncle smiled at his son in law brightly while opening the door ajar so that he could come in.

"I'm fine. How are you? I didn't inform sana that I was coming. I wanted to surprise her." He replied honestly. It's true that he wanted to surprise her.

He was so sure she was here to gain his attention who was he kidding he wanted her too....

"Oh that's alright. How is everyone at your home?" Uncle asked as he and Sidharth sat on the sofa in the living room.

"Everyone is fine uncle how are you and aunt" he questioned

"We're fine too beta...sana is upstair" he chuckled as he noticed Sidharth looking around the house

"She's mad at me" Sidharth confessed honestly.

"I guessed that already , drama queen" uncle laughed it off making Sidharth blush..

he took slow steps towards upstairs, when he stood at her room's door step; his heart skipped a beat.

He never knew that pink suited his wife very much. Good thing he realized. And now he couldn't take his eyes off her. Sana looked at him through the mirror as she brushed her chocolate brown hair, heat raised to her cheeks as she felt his intense gaze upon her for more than thirty seconds.

He stood at the entrance, frozen, checking her out openly. Clad in a pink colour saree she stood in front of the mirror whilst brushing her hair with a slightly annoyed face. She stopped brushing when he took slow steps towards her. He shut the door close and her breathings was suddenly uneven.
Sana shut her eyes for a moment as she felt him standing behind her, gazing at her through the mirror whilst playing with her hair, moving them aside to one corner and he bit his lips making her shudder.

"Are you mad at me?" he asked huskily while back hugging her, as he kept his chin on her bare shoulder, making her shiver in the process as his cold hand held her from behind and his hot breath which fanned over her nape didn't help her either.

It amused him every time how nervous she got under his touch. He loved how responsive she was to his every touch and it made him crave for more. So much more that it drived him insane.

"So you remember me" she managed to ask while he placed an open mouth kiss on her neck and didn't stop at just one...he couldn't control himself anymore, standing so close to her like this made him do things and he was enjoying every bit of it, her cheeks turned as red as a tomato making her go weak on her knees. She held the dressing table for support , in the fear of not falling down or something. Damn, he was such a good kisser.

"You know the elections are around the corner it's crazy out there at the same time I have to handle my business too baby" he answered her, his hot breath fanning over her neck. Making her shiver under his presence. She felt too small and petite under his tail figure.

"I was waiting for you." she huffed annoyed-iy, making him smile, " know and I'm sorry for not coming for lunch. I promise, once this election is over. We will go somewhere. Just us." he whispered in his husky voice.

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