Chapter 18

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No proof reading so please bear with the mistakes !

"sana get up, please. We are here love. Wake up now." He spoke trying to wake his wife who was sound asleep on the seat

"Sana" he tried once again and this time she stirred and opened her eyes. Not knowing anything about her surrounding she swiftly watched around and rubbed her eyes.

"Where are we?" She barely whispered as she yawned through most of the sentence.

"Look around you. Now, where are we?" He countered lightly chuckling on her innocence. He was mesmerized on how angelic she looked. She slept through the whole journey that was because she fell asleep in the car so he had to place her on the plane.

"Wait!" She spoke as she tried to flgure out her surrounding "Are we in mumbai already?!" She shouted in excitement as a huge grin took place on her face.

"Finally, Yes, we are here. We have to get off the plane now come on." He replied as he took hold of the lost sana who was still trying to look out of every possible window.

"Why didn't you wake me up? I wanted to enjoy the view of clouds" she frowned without walking further with him.

"Really if I would have waken you up, you would have irritated me on why did I wake you up" he rolled his eyes Looking back at her.

"But I wanted to enjoy the view"

"While going back you enjoy, ab chale" he asked softly cupping her face.
She nodded and followed him like a lost puppy.

"We are really here!" She yelled as she climbed down the plane looking around ...he couldn't get his eyes off her. She was the most beautiful women he had ever met in his life. Just her innocence was enough for her to take him down on his knees. Form every moment he had lived with her he had noticed how good times or moments mattered to her more than any materialistic things.

"The place where we've spent few Beautiful years of our lives" he mumbled looking around.

"The place which gave so many memories" she looked at him with some raw emotions

"Sidharth thank you so much for bringing me back here" she said keeping her head on his shoulder.

"Thank you so much for coming with me" he said wrapping an arm around her waist.

The car soon halted at their hotel...They soon reached the room, as expected the view was beautiful. Better than anything they had ever seen. The window was wide open with the visible view of city right outside. There was only one bed which was decorated with rose petals placed on it in the shape of the heart probably because of the room being a honeymoon suite.

"Ugh get freshened up I'll order dinner for us" he told taking off his jacket giving her a perfect view of his muscles pooping out of the shirt.

"Sidharth I'm not wearing saree anymore" she said reaching to the bag to take out her clothes.

"Wear whatever you want baby" he replied grabbing the phone to order dinner for them

"I want some drink too" she said before he could start speaking.

"Cold drink or juice? He asked raising his eyebrows

"Um I want some wine" she replied

"No way I'm not ordering any alcoholic drink" he glared her keeping back the phone on its place.

"Why? I want it and wine is good for health" she frowned

"I'm not gonna order any of such drinks and that's final"

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