Chapter 14

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"do you have any extra couch around place or extra sheet?" He asked walking aside and removing his court , his bulge muscles could be seen beneath his white shirt. While his shoulders so stiff and strong were also visible.
She didn't even notice when he turned towards her.

"I...I didn't see anything" she defended herself as she turned her head away from him. He walked and stood beside her as he placed his white shirt in front of her eyes from back.

"Take this shirt , the saree won't be comfortable in the night, change into this" he whispered behind her.

"So any extra sheet?" He asked looking around the room.

"I think I'll have to sleep on the floor tonight since there's no extra sheet here" he chuckled lightly.
She stood quietly thinking whether both should sleep on the couch like earlier.

"It will be cold here , we can sleep on the couch... together" she answered tugging the shirt in her hand closer to her.

"Are you sure?"

"There's only one blanket so yes" she answered nodding her head as she started walking out of the room to the washroom.

"Where are you going?" She heard him ask before she even step out of the room.

"To change"

"Change here I'll be outside" he said as he walked outside in the balcony lightly shutting the door behind.

He thought about the memory of how he proposed her....
he still remembered clearly, they had been attending their friend's wedding and Sana was going on and on about how beautiful it was to be tied in the bond of marriage and how lucky their friends were to find true love when he had suddenly blurted out 'I love you'......... As soon as he realized the words he had said he had flushed red. Sana had looked at him with wide eyes before smiling softly and saying "I know, I have known it for a long time"......... Then she had once again turned towards the couple. "You didn't say it back" he had said and she had replied with a chuckle...... "Love, I have said this to you every day. Every time we say good bye and you have said it back to me every single time".
He had then realized that for past Seven months he had been telling her 'I Love you' everyday and she had been saying it back every time.......He had become so used to telling her 'I love you' in his mind that he didn't even realize when he had started telling it to her out loud.

He was smiling at the memory when she opened the door calling him inside.

"Gosh, she looks way better in it than I do. I guess I'll just let her keep it"
He thought looking at her , the shirt almost covered her thighs though she was wearing shorts inside she looked uncomfortable.
He sighed and approached her. He grabbed her hand and brought it towards his lips. He placed a soft kiss on her knuckles.

"Sidharth" she tried to pull her hand away, but he didn't let her.

"Can we not leave the past behind us?"He said sadly, looking into her eyes and tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear.


He placed his finger on her lips, silencing her and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. He cupped her cheek, looking at her affectionately and leaned his head towards her. She closed her eyes, breathing in his musky scent.

She lost her self-control as his lips touched hers......
The moment was different. Sana was shocked for a while before she acknowledges what was happening. Without even her notice, her arms moved forward and wrapped around his neck pushing her further against him. To him, this was a sign to which he tenderly placed his hands around her waist.

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